🐉Mommy saves the day 🐉

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Baby is in her little crib hiding behind her stuffies and blankets crying a little because she fears of something in the dark

Baby girl:*cries* MOMMA MOMMA

Momma:*rushes into her baby room out of breath*Yes baby girl! You called for mommy my little angel what's wrong!

Baby girl:*pokes out of hiding*momma come here pease...

Momma:*walks over to her baby girl's crib* what's wrong my angel what has you crying my love

Baby girl:*makes grabby hands*up pies uppies!

Momma:*picks up her baby girl* baby are you afraid of something? Are you afraid of the dark baby?

Baby girl:*snuggles into momma and sniffles*yes momma...

Momma:*gently rubs her baby girl back* it's alright angel do you want to sleep with mommy tonight?

Baby girl:*nods*yes momma...

Mommy:alright princess*picks up Mr bear* of course we can not forgot my baby dolls best friend!

Princess:*snuggles Mr bear*eep! Mr. Bear we get to sleep in mommy's bed tonight it's a big kid bed so you need to be a big kid like me!

Mommy:*chuckles* alright princess let's get you tucked into bed if you get scared please wake up mommy alright baby?

Princess:yes mommy!

Mommy: I love you princess

Princess:I loves you momma so does Mr. Bear!

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