- E P I L O G U E -

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( 3 years later )


I was hanging out with some friends at a local bar that night. Many people said that my whole aura changed. More or less it did, of course, especially when a certain incident broke your young heart. I still can't get over Krystal, and I've dated several girls since then just to cover up the pain of her loss.

"Sehun, a noona has been staring at you since we came in. Maybe she has the hots for for you or something," Baekhyun nudged me by the arm and chuckled.

I looked around and saw the woman he was referring to. I guessed that she's at least 5 years older though I can't quite surely tell. She had a pretty face, wearing just light make-up and had a nice figure, although her clothes weren't that revealing. She wore a plain black dress that was somehow glittery and showed her shoulders and covered her until the upper part of her knees. She was attractive, nonetheless.

I didn't mind her and just took a sip from my glass, the alcohol numbing my senses a tad bit.

A few minutes of just nodding and chuckling at my friends' bad jokes, I decided to hit the comfort room. I peed and return right after. I also noticed that the woman was gone in her seat. Two girls were now sitting around my friends and they all giggled together, exchanging remarks filled with the smell of alcohol. I hated that since the atmosphere was getting all smoky, so I decided to leave. Sooner or later they'd be all drunk and would crash at some place, especially Baekhyun and Joonmyeon.

When I reached the parking lot, I saw the girl from the bar, and she was with a guy. I started my motorbike when suddenly she screamed and pushed the guy who didn't even budge. The guy was evidently drunk.

Even though I hated these kinds of things, I approached them and put a hand on the guy's shoulder.

"She doesn't seem to be too fond of you, dude. Just drop it."

"What?! Who are you?! Stay away from this!" The woman ran to hide behind a nearby car and looked at me with eyes that were a mix of being apologetic and worried.

The guy tried to punch me with all his might but he was too drunk, and almost lost his balance. I took him from behind and he fell, eyes closed while still mumbling things.

I ran towards the woman who also approached me.

"Let's go." I took her hand and guided her towards my motorbike and placed a helmet on her head.

"I'm driving you home."

"A-alright. Thanks."
We both hopped in, and I asked her where she lived.

"I'm Joohyun, by the way.' She said in almost a whisper, clinging a bit tighter when I sped up.

"Sehun." I said, my eyes fixated on the road.

The night was calm, and she spoke once more.

"Thank you Sehun."
A few more minutes and we reached her apartment complex.

"Should I still see you go in or you're alright on your own?" I asked as she returned the helmet.

"Actually.. Uhm, would you mind for a cup of coffee?" She looked a bit shy in asking me.

Coffee? I hated it. But to be nice to her, I just nodded and followed her to the 8th floor of the building.

When we reached the floor, she guided me inside and let me sit down on the gray couch. She had a cozy-looking place that was spacious and welcoming.

"Let me just change into comfortable clothes. Will that be alright?"
"Oh sure." With that, she went into her room, coming out within a few minutes.

"Oh, and I don't like coffee that much. Do you have tea instead?" I requested.

"Sure." She smiled and went to the kitchen. "It seems like you're the complete opposite of her." She said in almost an inaudible tone.

"What was that?" I asked from the living room.

She just smiled and shook her head, preparing my tea.

I looked around and saw some picture frames, also a couple of books on the coffee table.

These brought back memories.

I noticed that in one the pictures, she was with a guy a year or two older than her.

"Is this your boyfriend?" I looked at her in question while she was still busy preparing my tea and some snacks. "Won't he be mad if you're with another guy at your place?" I chuckled, placing the frame down.

"Oh. No. He's... I mean we're not together anymore." She said with a small smile.

"Ah, I'm sorry to hear that."

"No, it's alright. It's been several years now."
Several years and she still display this here. She doesn't seem alright just yet then.

"Here's your Chamomile tea and some cookies I baked this afternoon. Hope you like it." She placed it on the table and positioned herself on the couch.
"Thanks. Though I'm pretty sure you didn't invite me in for just some cookies and a cup of tea." I looked at her, my lips curved on one side.

"Truthfully, I've been waiting for the chance to talk to you and well... somehow things happened." She shyly smiled.

I just nodded and took a sip from the tea.

"I've been eyeing you for a couple of weeks now."

"Eyeing?" I curiously inquired.

"Oh, no no." She waved her hands in front of me. "It's not what you think. Though honestly it makes me feel like a stalker of some sort." She smiled.

I smiled back. "Are you actually one of those girls I've dated?" I joked, and she giggled.

"Not quite, but close." She smiled.

"Okay, you're making me more curious now." She smiled even more.

"Roses, do they ring a bell for you?" She asked, eyeing a painting on the wall behind me.

It was a red rose that fell on the ground, with perpetual thorns circling its stem.. and a back of a girl walking away from it. She was wearing a plain white summer dress and was barefooted, her wavy dark locks swaying against the wind.

"Do you know Krystal?" I almost stood up from my seat as I asked her this.

"I'm Seohyun, as she called me. I think you would remember me from that name. I was her 'body' back then." She said while staring into my eyes. "It's nice meeting you again, Sehun." Her gaze never left mine and she offered a hand for me to shake, to which I did.

It was already a quarter past ten but we still continued talking about Krystal, how she and that guy Luhan met and how he left her.

I felt a brand new feeling of satisfaction all over me. After those three years, I get to talk about her again, my most favorite person.

A few more moments of silence and Seohyun spoke.

"Sehun, there's something you have to know." I looked at her, waiting for her next words.

"Krystal... She.."

"What is it? Did she come back? Tell me, noona." I sat next to her, gently touching her shoulder.

"No, she never came back but..." She breathed out. "I wanted to tell you this because I know you're the only one who I can entrust this with." She wasn't looking at me, and her hands were clasped together.

"Noona, just tell me."

"Krystal... She had a child before she died. No, actually I think after she gave birth to that child, she died." She looked at me. "That child... was also the one who made that painting of the rose and the girl that's behind you."

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