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The sky was indignantly calling out to whoever was listening, letting potent gusts of wind drop by, a flash of lighting followed by a startling, angry thunder, as a set of cold raindrops began to hit my skin, making it harder for me to see through the still dark night.

I searched for a place that will serve as my shade, running around with no accurate direction.

I was just running, hoping that the rain would soon end, hoping I would make it through the night without a serious cold.

We were supposed to have a small get-together with my friends earlier by the beach, until I decided to stroll around the area, losing my way back in this rain.

I think they already went home by now, probably not even realizing that I'm nowhere in sight.

I was scared.

Tears were falling, accompanying the rain down my flushed cheeks.

I'm feeling very cold, struggling to hug myself in a futile way to warm my soaked body, letting my feet drag me to wherever they plan to go.

I didn't even know what to do but run, run, because I have to get away from here, from this horrid place.

I was losing hope, sobbing silently as I tripped on something.

A pathway of rocks.

I then realized that I finally got out of the thick forest, just by the beach.

The path was leading to a set of stairs, towards a lighthouse, which is situated by a cliff.

It was white and huge, having some outlines of black at some areas, a deserted aura surrounding it, as well as an aura of protection provided by its features: a safe haven for anyone who would want to enter.

My light from the darkness. Finally!

Without any second thoughts, I made my way through the green path, battling the rain with my arms being hovered above my body. I opened the door, and thankfully, it wasn't locked. I climbed the never-ending stairs, only to be greeted by another door that was half-opened.

I stepped into the room with cautious steps, discovering that it was oddly painted in black, decorated with white stars in contrast to a certain fireplace that was illuminating it.

I noticed a small couch positioned at the edge of the room, a small lamp giving ample light just nearby, and a cup of black coffee lying helplessly beside it.

A girl was making herself comfortable on the chocolate couch, holding a white rose on her hand and purposely grazing her slender fingers on its thorns as they weep in blood, her dark orbs, almost lifeless, staring at it contently.

She was wearing a purple knee-length dress, her bright pink lips shimmering against the dull light, smoky eyes alluring, and a long wavy hazel brown hair.

She was barefooted, and is now setting her gaze at me with those eyes that seem to lack emotions.

She was looking at me, yet it was like she was piercing into my soul instead.

She shifted her weight and placed the white rose down next to lamp and coffee, positioning her feet on the carpet.

"What brings you here, young man?"

She asked with a slight amusement in her tone, the ends of her lips twitching just a tad bit, enough to make me shiver from the thought that my light from the darkness, might also be a darkness in disguise.

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