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this chapter also has something to do with kintsukuroi

It's pretty neat~ anywho enjoy

I stare at the T shirt I have in my hands.

For 4 years I've worn that T shirt. 4 years of adventures. Four years of heartbreaks and losses and laughter. Four years of trips all over.

There are hearts littered all over.

From the constant wear and tear, they are cracked.

Resembling candy hearts that someone  took a hammer and   

Why do I wear this still? I ask myself.

Give it away. Throw it.

I never do.

It means so much to me. My whole childhood. I can't give away the memories I made.

The hammer of life shattered my heart, and made it who I am today.

It still fits, miraculously.

And cracked hearts can still be loved.

See, this is what happens when you get feels while folding clothes😂😂😂
Oh and please comment if you want more charlie chapters~
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