Part 4

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Ay this gon be real short bye

Sometimes you just need to appreciate everything.

Are you reading (or having someone read to you) this book?

Congrats! You are alive.

Are you cisgender, transgender, non binary or anything in between?

Hey! You're alive!

Are you inable to walk, or are disabled in any way?
(physically or mentally??)

Oh my gosh! You're alive!!!

This gift that we have of life isn't something we should take for granted.

If you feel down.



Don't give up.

You are alive. That means a lot.

My depression is sneaking up on me so I'm fighting a constant small battle rn hhhh

Keep strong ma llamas
Anywho here's a meme

Credits to the owner of that meme (plz don't sue me I is broke )

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