The Isle of the Lost: Kidnapped

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Disclaimer: I don't own Descendants.

A/N: I'm sure you all remember how everyone and their mother was after Fairy Godmother's wand, well in the sequel Uma demands the wand for the release of Ben. Now correct me if I'm wrong but don't magical things stop working once they're within the barrier? So, shouldn't Fairy Godmother's wand not work inside the barrier? Either this seems like a plot hole or no one really thought the whole stealing the wand and bringing it to the Isle thing through in the second movie. What if however, the wand being Fairy Godmother's wand and therefore her magic was the exception to the rule then wouldn't it be safe to assume that if Jane could use magic that she too would be able to use her unique magic within the barrier? Okay, this is all speculation but in this story, that's what I'm going with, Jane's would-be magic would be able to work within the barrier.


Auradon was beautiful just like always and just like always a certain Fairy Godmother was busy with her Headmistress duties, it was normal during this time of year to only see her precious young daughter Jane for a couple of hours a day. First in the morning for breakfast the most important meal of the day and then for dinner in the evening to ask about her daughter's day. She made the most of these times as they were moments held dear for the both of them so no matter how tired she was at the end of the day she was always there for dinner and to tuck in her daughter and wish her pleasant dreams.

During her time at Auradon prep, little Jane was either with Fairy Godmother's good friend Cinderella and her husband Philp and their young son Chad or with her father, usually the former because unfortunately, Jane's father was not the most responsible adult.

One of the main reasons that Jane's parents' marriage had failed but Jane was too young at the time to really understand it.

Today is where our story truly begins, Cinderella and her husband are unavailable to watch little Jane and so Fairy Godmother had no other option than to drop her seven-year-old off with the girl's father. After double and triple checking that her ex-husband knew and understood everything that came with looking after the child in his care she went to work like every day, after all, it wasn't like he hadn't watched her for a day before. As worried as she was Fairy Godmother was sure everything would be fine.

"Daddy?" Little Jane called for her father, but he was nowhere in sight, her dad had taken her out shopping since there wasn't much for the two of them to do at his house. It had started out well enough with him buying her a new stuffed animal, a dog she decided to name Mr. Barks-a-lot, they had some lunch shortly after that. Now though the mall that wasn't overly crowd before seemed to have a lot more people than it had earlier, "Daddy, where are you?" she called out into the crowed area, no one looked her way or stopped to help her, she wandered farther away from where she had previously been still calling out for her dad when suddenly she bumped into a person.

She clutched her stuffed dog tightly and with tear filled eyes looked up at the person before her, "Hello there your name's Jane isn't it?"

The little girl was wary of this stranger knowing her name but answered because it was the polite thing to do and her mother said you should always be polite, "...Yes."

"Your daddy's looking for you, let me take you to him." The stranger held out his hand for the tiny brunette to take.

Another thing her mom had always told her was not to go anywhere with strangers no matter what they said, but she still figured that she needed to be polite about it.

"...That's okay you can just tell him I'm right here." The stranger let his hand fall back to his side.

"You're a smart girl but you see I can't just leave you here all alone while I bring him to you, that would be irresponsible of me."

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