The Isle of the Lost: Jane's Fourth Year (Too Nice)

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Four years had passed, and Jane didn't think about how much time it had been since she'd come to the Isle any longer. Jane didn't think of Auradon much let alone the people living there, her mother included.

Jane was an Isle girl now.

As such she wasn't nice, not surprising seeing as she regularly tortures people for Maleficent and has for years now. The sound of bones snapping still bugs her so if she can avoid it she burns them, burning fleshing isn't so bad... she has many burns of her own, her wrists and her back have the scars to prove it.

Rarely does she get new ones anymore unless Maleficent is in a particularly bad mood and even then, she'd rather have Jane burn others than herself so that's a good thing... or is it a bad thing?

Jane wasn't sure she knew but if it kept her from feeling the flames then it couldn't be too bad.

Maleficent seems to enjoy fire magic the most, that's probably why it's some of the half-fairy's strongest magic. That, of course, is a problem in and of itself because fire won't bring down the barrier.

Sometimes the dark fairy makes her practice breaking things; glass, stone, and bones. The sound of things breaking bothers her and makes her magic not as effective.

Luckily the evil fairy thinks she just needs more practice with it, so practice she does.

Because Jane like the not so good girl that she is doesn't argue.

That's why one day when it's just Jane and Carlos hanging out- which never happens very often. She notices something that the villainous girl knew but never thought too much on before now.

Carlos stole like they did but only when he was hungry, or they asked him to help them, he played non-malicious pranks but only if the group was pulling pranks too... he was a follower like her, but he was nothing like her.

"There I think that'll hold for a bit." The old man doesn't thank him, but Carlos just grins and bounces back over to where she was standing since he decided to help splint the old man's arm.

He helped people when he could... if he could. He wasn't bad or evil or even just mean.

He was good.

Why was this such a shocking thought even Gil could be kind but maybe that's because he lacked the brain power to be bad without someone telling him to be?

Still, Carlos didn't belong here.

Because it was official, Carlos was nothing like anyone else she knew, of course, Jane knew it long before now, but now she was going to actually say it aloud because she needed to.

"You're too nice for the Isle." Carlos stops whatever he was talking about that she hadn't been listening to and blinks as if stunned before saying, "So are you..." Jane smiles slightly, "No... I'm not," Carlos nearly protests but she changes the direction of the conversation, "You know most people here would be insulted at being called nice, it's a good thing meaning that it's a bad thing to be."

He just shrugs it off and grins at her, "Well don't tell anyone or you'll ruin my reputation." He jokes.

Jane didn't need to tell anyone, she was sure that everyone knew.

Carlos was different.

But Jane was more than okay with that.

"Okay everyone gather around!" Evie motions for the group to gather at the table-like thing set up inside of Carlos' treehouse where the five of them are currently residing.

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