A Beautiful Day In Hell

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A horrible hot day in summer, the bus you were on smelled of rust and was like a toaster. You were basically burning alive in there. After a couple horrible hours of that horrible bus you finally got to step off. You swung off the bus and were greeted by a tall man with mahogany brown hair, beautiful turqois eyes, and a pale white smile.
"Hi! My names David you must be (Y/N)!" He giggled almost like a girl, he noticed you didnt say anything so he guided you off and showed you around. "(Y/N) this is our mess hall, where we will give you nutritious meals, and hold Anouncments." As he guided you off to the activities fieled, you kind of just... stared. It was almost terrifying that you were greeted into a brand new camp, meeting brand new people.
(Y/N'S) pov
I loved meeting new people but my voice seemed lost, like it wouldn't let me speak my normal language. I was afraid, for some reason. Then I felt weird, finally I could speak again. "Mr. David?" I asked politely, once his eyes met mine I looked around. "Where are the other kids? Theres only one out here and he seems... Too over dramatic for me..." I said with a weird look of my face.

David then smiled. "Well the other campers should be in our mess hall! Eating breakfast! But let me show you to your tent first, we had one set up just for you. Being a new camper and all!" He guided me to the tent then helped me with my stuff inside. I didnt want to eat so I just sat alone, in my tent it was scary in a way. Being alone, its like being beaten up by a big jock. I can't remember the last time I had eaten actual food though, I haven't eaten in a while it didn't seem like that long but my body said so. I wasn't as plump and Exciting as the other kids, I was thin like a stick and actually pretty tall for my age. I'm 13, but my parents insisted I go to a summer camp for kids. God I hate them...

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