Valentine's Day

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I still remember, before Valentine's Day I wrote you a letter, confessing my feelings and the dream that I had of you. Without meaning to, I drew small adorable faces and stuck it in your locker.

I walked away before anyone else could see me, I smiled imagining you trying to find out who wrote it since I wrote it in cursive writing and not my formal type of writing. But I guess my little drawings gave me away, the next day, you made fun of me in Drama class.

I felt so ashamed, everyone was teasing me because of you. I never felt so humiliated and embarrassed. You told them I gave you a letter, you told them about my dream, how could you do that to me? Do you know how much courage it took me to admit that I liked you? And then everyone else calling me by your name or make noise when we were working together. The next day I wrote you another letter and stuck it in your locker. Telling you that indeed, it was me.

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