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Jinyoung sits in the corner of "his" room, staring blankly at the clock on the wall. He lost track of how many hours had passed a long time ago, Jinyoung doesn't even think he can tell the time anymore. It's been so long since he's talked to anyone there's not much point of keeping track of time, it's not like it matters to him anyway.

He cocks his head to the side slightly, diverting his gaze over to the cracked mirror. He doesn't even recognise himself anymore, sure his features are the same, his red plump lips and soft round eyes still remain prominent on his face, but he can't help but notice how faded he is. Jinyoung sighs as he looks at himself, how long has it been now?

Jinyoung can't remember when he died, he just knows he did and that he's now trapped on earth like some rat in a cage. It hasn't been too long, his clothes look somewhat modern and similar to the people who come snooping around his house. Jinyoung spent some time in the past working out how old he must have been when he died, based on his looks and came to the conclusion he must have been around 22.

Jinyoung can't remember how he died, he just knows it hurt, a lot.

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