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Jinyoung huffs in annoyance as he notices the estate agent pulling up on his driveway alongside what would seem to be her customer whom was stood waiting on the driveway.

The customer intrigues Jinyoung, not because of his soft brown hair that's parted in the middle showing off his forehead that also sweep over his deep puppy dog eyes. It was the colours that decorate his arms like a evening sky. Some of the colours form pictures, some form words in foreign languages that he can't understand. Jinyoung has lived ,both in life and death, in England his whole life, his parents didn't bother teaching him their mother tongue, Korean. They didn't think he'd ever get to visit Korea even once in his life, it was too expensive.

They were right.

He died too early.

Jinyoung's eyes follow the colourful boy as he walks over to shake the hand of the estate agent. The pair then walk over to the door, the estate agent pulling out the keys to unlock it. Jinyoung gasps in realisation that the customer might actually be interested in the house, judging by the fact that he wasn't put off by the old, tattered look of the house that Jinyoung dwells in.

He'll probably be put off after he's told it may be haunted by a cruel ghost though. That's what the kids say about Jinyoung, that he's the ghost of a Victorian workhouse master who was killed in a freak accident while beating a child for not working hard enough. According to the kids, Jinyoung now haunts the house and would attack any being that wonders inside, all while ordering them to get back to work.

Jinyoung isn't the ghost of a Victorian workhouse master, he threw a shoe at a kid once because he was taking drugs. Not that the kid knew Jinyoung was there, Jinyoung had made himself invisible before the kid could see him. If he had, maybe there wouldn't be rumours of a workhouse master but a grumpy dead guy who just wants some peace and quiet.

Jinyoung isn't your typical ghost. He's not blood thirsty or angry. He's no lost soul or wandering spirit. He can walk through walls but he can also touch things, but he's no poltergeist, his emotions control nothing around him unless he physically does something. He's like any other 22 year old, only slightly more confused and is capable of turning invisible at will.

It takes him a moment to realise that the estate agent and the customer are coming up to his room, their footsteps echoing from the stairs. Jinyoung quickly makes himself invisible and scurries over to the corner of the room.

"So Mr Wang, this is the bedroom." The estate agent announces, her voice slightly fearful. Probably me, Jinyoung thinks. Mr Wang just nods, looking around the room fondly.
"Sir, there's one thing I must tell you before you make any decisions on this house, I know you're pretty keen on it."
"What is that then?" Mr Wang questions, his voice just as colourful as his arms.
"This house is severely haunted by a menacing ghost, he's been spotted a few times look." She holds out her phone. Jinyoung floats over them eyes widening as he sees pictures of himself doing mundane tasks like dusting, while floating of course, if you can do it why not?
"His name is Jonathan Heirs, he was a drug lord back in the 60s. He's known to be very violent, a child was even attacked when they were snooping around here once. Said a knife was thrown at his head."

"Drug lord? That's a new one." Jinyoung thinks to himself. Jinyoung's too scared to even try drugs let alone be a drug lord.

Mr Wang just scoffs,
"They're just ghost stories, it's complete nonsense, that's just some kid you caught wandering and decided to photoshop him so he looks like he's floating. I must say though, you've done a very good job! Anyway, about the house, I'll take it. I don't care about the price as long as I can move in today."
"O-of course Sir." The estate agent shakes the mans hand, a look of complete shock and confusion on her face.

Jinyoung doesn't know whether to be terrified that someone is actually moving in or offended that Mr Wang thinks he's nonsense.

A/N Helloo, yes this book is set in England because I know literally nothing about anywhere else 😂

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