Tom Parker Fanfic-Lie to me

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I walked down the snowy path my tummy filled with bubbles. It was nearly Christmas!!! I was so excited, yes I may sound like a little child, but who cares? Everyone should be excited about Christmas. 

It was snowing to make it even better. I knew this was going to be a perfect Christmas. I lived with my bestfriends Poppy and Lily (isn't it weird I'm bestfriends with 2 flowers) they were just as excited as me. I also had a brother Darren he only lived 10 minutes away, he hated me around boys except if they were part of my family, it was only because my last 2 boyfriends had hurt me a lot and he didn't want that happening again. I was alright with no boys around me after all I had my friends and a caring brother what more could I want? As I wondered what I would get for Christmas I slipped and was falling, I put my hands before me so I could protect my face but as I was about to hit the ground a strong arm came around my waist and caught me before I could fall. I looked up to be greeted with the most beautiful hazel eyes you would ever see.  

"Careful gorgeous," he smiled, he had a very strong Bolton accent.

"Er, thanks for saving me," I said akwardly. 

"No problem, be careful next time yeah? I won't always be there to save you!" he laughed. His laugh was just unique, deep and adorable!

i didn't know what to say. I should really do something to repay him.

"Do you want me to do anything for you?" shit that was a bad idea he might want to have sex with me or something.

"No, just remeber that you need to be carful on snowy days like this. We don't want your beautiful face getting crushed!" he waved to me then went off.

"Hey wait!" I called after him. He spun around, I hobbled towards him and was careful so I wouldn't slip again.

"Can't you even tell me your name? A girl always needs to know their hero's name!" he smiled and I smiled right back. 

"My name is Tom, Tom Parker," he held out his hand for me to shake, I shook it. Tom Parker sounded so familiar. 

"My name is Sarah, Sarah Chiltern," I replied.

"Lovely name, hey do wannna walk with me?" he asked. 

"Sure!" I said.


I had a great time with Tom he was a great person. I stilll didn't know that completely after all I had only known him for about 2 hours. In the end we exchanged phone numbers and said goodbye. I had better not tell Darren otherwise he might want me to stop seeing Tom and I didn't want that to happen. 

*Next Morning* 

Ring ring, went my phone who was calling me at this time? I looked at the caller ID and smiled.

"Hey!" I said to Tom.

"Hi! I was calling you cos I'm bored and I want to hear your voice!" he was so sweet.

"So what are you doing up this early?" I asked.

"Dunno really, I was bored of sleeping, you?" he replied.

"Well I was sleeping peacefully till you rang me!" I pretended to be angry.

"Sorry!" he apologised.

"Nah, don't worry, so it's still snowing, you wanna meet up?" I asked.

"Sure! Is it alright if I bring some friends? They're all really nice!" he said. I hesiatated. I find it OK to be around 1 boy but around some more, I wasn't sure, but if Tom said they were nice then sure.

"Er, sure bring them along, I might aswell bring mine too!"

We chatted for a bit then we decided to meet up at my favourite park. I put my phone down. I hadn't told Lily and Poppy about Tom, maybe it would be a good idea to tell them now. I got myself out of bed and brushed and straightened my hair.

As I went in to the kitchen the smell of bacon came to my nose. I smiled to myself as I saw Poppy making bacon sandwiches for me and Lily. 

"Good morning!" Poppy sang as she saw me entering. 

"Good morning!" I replied taking a seat by the table.

"Okay, I have some news I met a boy called Tom Parker yesterday, he is sooo nice!" I said giving Poppy the news.

She dropped the piece of bread she was holding, "You are friends with Tom fucking Parker?" she squealed when I nodded.

"What's so exciting about that? And how do you know who he is?" I questioned her frowning.

"Omg, you don't know who he is?! He's in a boyband called The Wanted," she grinned at me.

My mouth dropped open.  Why didn't he tell me? He probably thought I was going to start fangirling and all that stuff. But I tell you one thing I wasn't into that stuff. Just at that moment Lily walked in yawning.

"Good...." I didn't catch the rest as she yawned again.

"Guess what Lilz, Sarah is friends with Tom Parker. Also I made you a bacon sandwhich!" Poppy blurted out. Lily was wide awake now.

"What the hell?"  she shouted. I explained everything and that after breakfast we were meeting them. They both hardly ate anything as they were so excited, I was just excited to see Tom and that it was Christmas in 2 days!! Maybe the boys could help with the Christmas tree?

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