Chapter 13- A visit from the brother

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I smiled to myself. Two days ago I had the most amazing night. Going out with Tom Parker and having actual sex with him, I wasn't a virgin anymore!

The boys were at the studio recording and Lily had gone with them while I stayed at home and Poppy had went to her new job as a model! I was so happy for her. I hadn't had any contact with my brother recently and I was starting to worry. I tried calling him but it always said "Call Failed". 

I heard a knock at the door and I jogged down the hall and opened the door. I was a bit stunned at who it was. Right in front of me was my brother Darren. 

"Darren!" I squealed pulling him in to a big hug.

"Hey Sarah! Sorry I had no contact with you recently. My phone got stolen and then I got a new one with a different number. I was going to call but got distracted of going on holiday with Jade!" he finished off (Jade is my brother's wife. She's lovely!)

"Well it doesn't matter! I've got so much to tell you!" I said excitedly. We went in to the living room. I decided I was going to tell him about Tom, but not that he cheated on me once otherwise Tom will have a black eye for most of the time. 

We settled down on the sofa and he told me about his holiday in Morocco and how in love he is with Jade. I grinned and awwed and ooed over things and we had that brotherly sistery talk about stuff. 

"So what about you and Poppy and Lily?" he asked taking a sip of his tea that I made for him, he was like Nathan, he loved tea!

"Well............ Nothing much except that Poppy has a new job and..............." I trailed off. 

"What? Whatever it is you can tell me!" he said rubbing my arm.

"Okay I'll tell you as long as you won't do all that protective brother nonsense," I say. 

"Sure. Okay go on!" he said. 

"I have a boyfriend called Tom Parker, he's in a band called The Wanted and he and his friends are so sweet. You'll love them all, just please trust me!" I burst out. At first I saw anger in his eyes then I saw they became soft eyes, the ones I knew well. 

" Number 1 that's great and number 2 wow I know that band they're quite famous and number 3, I need to meet him!" he said.  I grinned. 

"Oh don't worry you will!" I say. Just then there was a knock at the door. 

"That might be him!" I ran out and opened the door. Sure enough I was enveloped in to hugs from the boys and Lily. 

"Hey guys! I have someone I'd like you to meet!" I say. Tom kissed me. 

"Who is this person?" he asked.

"My brother!" I said and he had a confused look on his face. 

"You never said you had a brother!" he says his voice raised a little. 

"Look I'll explain later, right now I want you to meet him," I dragged all of them in and Darren stood up. 

"Hi boys!" he says cheerfully. 


It was 10:00 at night and we were all still laughing. Tom was still just a bit off with me. Darren got up. 

"Sorry! I have to go now, Jade is probably going to go ballistic!" Darren said. We all said goodbye and then it was just me Poppy, Lily and Tom. 

"So how did the modelling go?" I asked Poppy. I was so caught up with my brother I forgot to ask her. 

"Great! I earned 58 pounds today!" she grinned. 

"What was it for?" I asked. 

"Jack Wills Spring!" she replied. 

Everything was going great except from Tom. He was a bit angry. 


I collapsed on my bed and tried to fall asleep, but Tom kept haunting my dreams and I kept waking up. This was going to be a difficult night.


Okay next chapter Tom gets a bit angry with Sarah and btw the guy in the pic is Sarah's brother Darren, he's actually Liam Hemsworth from the Hunger Games! So yah all will be revealed in the next chapter!

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