Chapter 2: The Sirens

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Jamie panted heavily as he crouched behind a tree stump, never losing sight of his prey. About 50 feet in front of him sat a fat squirrel, nibbling on what seemed to be raspberries.

He flinched as his stomach growled, silently cursing himself for not eating before he had left. But to be fair, he hadn't been planning to be out this long. Originally, Jamie had be on a walk, trying desperately to clear his mind. The constant threat of not being able to provide for his clan was really stressing him out.

Jamie reached for his trusty handmade knife he always carried with him. Unfortunately, he had left his bow and arrows at home.

He leaped over the stump and sprinted at full speed towards the rodent. The poor animal was too preoccupied with his meal, and was completely oblivious to the small man making his move.

Within seconds, Jamie's knife was embedded in its flesh. After a few moments of heart breaking squeals, the creature collapsed. He then removed his knife and put the squirrel out of its misery.

Jamie had mixed feelings about the hunt. On one hand, he loved and even lived for the thrill of stalking and killing his prey. Plus, it enabled him to feed his family. On the other hand, there was something about watching the light fade from the animals' eyes, knowing that from that moment on, they ceased to exist.

Jamie sighed and cleaned his blade off before returning it to its leather sheath. Usually, he would've gutted the sucker right then and there, but he since he didn't have the proper equipment to store the meat, he decided against it.

It took about half an hour of blood, sweat, and tears, but he had eventually dragged the carcass back to camp. Upon his arrival, he received a few cheers from his neighbors that were scattered about the campsite. The look of shock and surprise on the faces of the little ones made his heart ache with pride and love.

Reaching the common area, he was met with the Chief.

"Jamie! My boy! What have you here?" The semi old leader chuckled. His leathery face was brown and worn from many years of stress and the sun. He was a large man that bore the biggest, brightest smile imaginable. Chief Naul was quite possibly the kindest and strongest man that ever lived.

With a slight bow, Jamie returned a polite grin and sidestepped in order to let the Chief see his work.

Naul rewarded the teen with an approving pat on the back and firm yet genuine embrace.

"Very impressive, Jamie." He praised. "You have honored your people with your selfless actions. We thank you immensely for this offering."

The small crowd that had gathered around clapped a few times, and returned back to their chores when the ordeal was done. The deceased rodent was being dragged away by a few men to be butchered and preserved.

With a prideful grin and an accomplished spirit, Jamie made his way down to the pond.

* * *

Jamie's goofy smile was still plastered on his face by the time Addie joined him.

"Hey, loser! Congrats on your kill." She teased as she waded knee-deep into the still pond, hiking up her sad excuse of pants as high as they'd go.

Jamie, who was a good 20 or so yards away, leisurely began to back stroke towards her.

"Why thank you, Your Highness" he grinned, earning a lighthearted scoff and splash to the face.

"Big mistake," Jamie playfully warned. He then sloppily lunged towards Addie, taking her underwater with him. Rising to the surface, she squealed and smacked him a few times, giggling uncontrollably.

Half an hour had passed and the two best friends now laid side by side in the beach, soaking in the sun. Jamie knew they'd have to head back pretty soon. It was getting colder every passing minute. And even though it was mid afternoon, the sun had already began its descent.

"Addie," Jamie nudged her from her short nap. "We should get going."

"Ugh," she sighed, reluctantly getting up.

Just then, the sirens sounded.

It was a subtle, high pitched squeal. If a human had heard it, they would easily confuse it for a bird chirping. Jamie could see how they could be mixed, but his ears were trained to recognize it.

Addie shot Jamie a worried glance and in unison, they ran back to their tribe.

Every worse case scenario ripped through Jamie's mind as he sprinted as fast as his legs would carry him.

'God, please don't let it be humans' he prayed to himself.

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