Chapter Nine: The Encounter

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Kai was surprised to see the small female again. He thought for sure she had gone forever, and for good reason. If Kai were that small he wouldn't still be hanging around.

He watched her pace back and forth for about a minute or so, quietly mumbling gibberish under her breath. She hadn't noticed his concentrated gaze that was completely focused on her.

"Hello," he said as gently as humanly possible. He wanted to make sure he didn't scare her.

Immediately she stopped, her expression shifting drastically. Kai didn't understand why she seemed so surprised. Wasn't she the one who decided to come to his room in the first place?

"What are you doing here?" He asked, studying her intently. Kai wanted to get closer to the small girl in order to get a better look, but he knew it would probably scare her off, which wouldn't do either of them much good.

Her mouth dropped open and she took a few steps back, quickly glancing behind her. Her tiny eyes darted around the room, Kai assumed she was looking for an escape.

"It's alright," he reasoned "I'm not going to hurt you."

With that, he ever so slowly unfolded his legs and cautiously swung them around, his feet now touching the floor. Just as he began to rise, she bolted away, seemingly disappearing into the book shelf.

"Hey, look I won't move. I'll stay right here, I promise." He coaxed, fulfilling his end and reclaiming his seat on the bed.

In a matter of moments, her head peaked out and she cautiously walked out into the open. Kai had to admit, she was kind of adorable. She had short, black ringlets for hair and her light pink dress complimented her medium brown skin tone quite nicely.

'I bet she's so soft' he thought to himself and immediately regretted it.

'God if she could hear me she'd think me a creep' he mentally slapped himself for his stupidity.

"See, I won't hurt you." Kai promised, showing her his empty hands. She was only five feet away and if he really wanted to, he could capture her. It would be easy. He wondered how it would feel to have her in his hands..

Kai stopped himself before he could continue his train of thought.

"Are you alright?" Kai asked, not sure why she had come. Maybe she was injured or needed help? She seemed perfectly fine, a little scared but healthy.

She nodded her head yes and wrapped her arms around her body. Clearly she felt uncomfortable.

"Well, if you aren't hurt then why have you come?" He questioned. Kai really didn't know why he was being so patient with her. He could easily have her in his grasp in a matter of seconds and there would be nothing she could do about it.

But Kai didn't want that, at least he didn't think he did. He was very interested in the small creature before him, but he didn't want to scare her. He knew that if he did, he'd most likely never see her again.

After quite a long pause, she spoke up.

"I-I don't kn-know," she stuttered so quietly that Kai had to strain his ears just to hear her.

Her eyes were darting around again and she began to fidget with the bottom of her dress.

"Do you mind if I come a little closer?" Kai asked. "I just wanna get a better look at you."

The increase of fear was evident in her eyes, and Kai was worried that he had really upset her.

"O-okay," she finally answered, her voice shaky.

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