Chapter Six: Seen

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They held their breath as the gigantic being's first knee hit the floor, immediately followed by the second. The borrowers flattened themselves against the wall, fruitlessly attempting to make themselves even smaller. Jamie stared up at the young human in terror.

He looked to be a preteen. His undone sandy blonde hair was cut short, and almost reached his pale blue eyes. The boy had a very childish face and body structure. Jamie knew that even though he was a kid, just like so many members of the Anabade were, this boy could effortlessly cause incomprehensible destruction.

Jamie gulped as the human opened the cabinets, peering in. He just sat there, clearly clueless as to what was wrong with the pipes and how to fix it. Luckily, the boy hadn't noticed the two tiny adolescents that were mere inches from him.

"Kai!" The boy yelled over his shoulder.

The shout surprised the two. Addie squealed a bit and clapped her hands over her ears, her face scrunching up in pain.

Then there was silence.

Jamie prayed the boy hadn't heard.

'Please god, I swear I'll never commit another sin' he begged up to an unseen force.

Suddenly, the huge boy flattened himself across the floor. They jumped back in surprise and horror, letting out terrified screams. The giant eyes widened in shock and his breathing hitched in his throat.


He was so close. If Jamie wanted to, he could reach an arm out and touch the tip of the human's nose.

The three sat and stared at each other for an immeasurable moment. It could've been years or seconds, Jamie was clueless.

Sitting there paralyzed in fear, all Jamie could do was watch. He forgot how the breathe. That is, until he felt the trembling next to him.

Jamie had forgotten all about his best friend, who was just as terrified as he. He turned to her and what he saw was utterly heartbreaking. The look of pure fear had overtaken her.

The human's jaw dropped in amazement. You could practically see the gears turning in his mind.

"H-holy crap," he breathed, sending a gust of wind through Jamie's hair. He shivered at the warmth.

Out of his peripheral vision, Jamie saw a ginormous hand slowly making its way to them. If he hadn't known better, the borrower would have thought that maybe the boy was trying to be cautious in an attempt to not scare them. But that was ridiculous.

Reacting out of pure instinct, Jamie drew his sheathed knife and swung as soon as the digit was within reach. The knife slashed through the thick skin and blood immediately began to spill from the small gash.

The human made a sound that was something between a gasp and a wail, pulling his hand up to his chest in the process.

"Hey man, why'd you do that?" He whined, clearly in pain. The young adolescent's expression shifted to a pout. "I wasn't gonna hurt you."

If his life wasn't in immediate danger, Jamie would've laughed. Of course he wanted to hurt him and his best friend. That was human nature.

Grabbing Addie's hand, Jamie began pulling her from underneath the sink, heading towards the small hole in the wall that was only a few inches from where the human sat. Within a few more bounds, they would finally be home free. At least they were supposed to be.

"Lucas, are you alrig- oh my god." The new, deeper voice caused Addie to halt dead in her tracks, forcing Jamie to stop as well.

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