Chapter Seven: The Decision

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Even though it had been weeks since the incident, Addie still couldn't shake the strange feeling that had made a home in her chest. It was unlike anything she had ever felt before. It wasn't sadness, fear, or anger, but something else; something more. It made her long for the unknown while simultaneously keeping her locked away in her mind. For some reason, she desperately wanted something but just didn't seem to have the motivation to find it.

She could stop thinking about it. About him.

The giant boy absolutely terrified her beyond comprehension. His massive form had been unbearable. Addie had never felt so.. small.

The borrower knew she needed to see him again. The feeling that had taken over her was surely connected to him. It had to be. And maybe, just maybe if she were to encounter him again, it would reverse itself. That way, she could forget about the human and move on with her life.

Addie became slightly frustrated with this realization. The stupid human was causing her to lose sleep at night. Because of him, she didn't feel like herself anymore. It was kind of an asshole thing to do, coming into her life and scaring the hell out of her and all.

She wondered how she could possibly get to him without anyone from her tribe finding out. Perhaps she could go at night when everyone had gone to bed?

"What am I thinking?!" Addie whispered, quietly scolding herself. She made sure he father couldn't overhear her talking to herself like a madwoman from the other room.

She knew that willingly putting herself in that much danger was outright suicide. There was no way she could defend herself from the human. He could easily overpower her in moments, rendering her helpless. Seeing him was entirely out of the picture.

The small teen sighed, slowly banging her head against her bedroom wall. For days she had been staring at her ceiling, contemplating. Addie had gone through every possible scenario of meeting him again at least ten times. There was a slight chance that he might not kill her immediately, but it was slim. That was the logical part of her speaking.

But the other side of her challenged it.

'If he really wanted to kill me, why didn't he do it the instant he saw me?' She thought.

Immediately, she shut herself down spouting off endless excuses.

'He was in shock, he's playing mind games, he wants to manipulate you first and make you come to him, etc.'

She groaned, falling back into her bed. Addie couldn't help but thinking of the alternative. Perhaps he was kind?

She practically snorted with laughter at her own ignorance and foolishness. Addie rolled her eyes at how naive she could be at times.

Humans. Were. Killers. End of story.

But what if they weren't? She could almost see a soft smile on his gorgeous face..

Addie face palmed herself, hoping the slap would force those unrealistic thoughts from her mind.

The thoughts stayed.

Why did this have to be so difficult? There was only one thing she should be feeling after their encounter: Fear.

The tiny borrower should be trembling in absolute horror at the mere thought of being anywhere near that-that.. beast!!

Although this truth was engrained into her, she couldn't help but feel differently. The word didn't seem to suit him any longer.

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