Chapter 10

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I woke up and looked around me. I was in a hospital. I scanned the room and came to a conclusion that I was in here for my gunshot wound. I could've sworn I would've been dead before the paramedics could get to me. I saw a bunch of chocolates and flowers on the table next to the window.

"She's awake!" Who just shouted? I looked to my left and saw Lilia sitting there. A bunch of doctors rushed into the room. I had no clue what they were doing. They hooked something from my arm up to an IV. "How bad is the gunshot?" All doctors stopped and looked at me. "What?" One of the doctors looked at me and said. "The gunshot. How bad is it?" A bunch of doctors started whispering and a few gathered in the corner while writing stuff down. "Why would you think you have a gunshot?" One of the doctors sat down beside of me. "Well, I don't know. Maybe because I was shot by a man?" I reached down and felt my leg. Weird, I didn't feel anything. "What did you guys put me on? It's working great. I don't feel a thing." "Do you mind telling me all the events that led up to the shooting? Let's say, after Stacey punched you." I shook my head in confusion. "Stacey punched me? She said I fell." "No, Stacey most definitely punched you. We can tell you all the details, once you tell us what happened to you after that." Why would they want all the details after stacey had 'punched' me? "Well, she 'punched' me and then the day went on normally. Jacob kind of asked me out on and we also went on a picnic. A bunch of fans were commenting and liking my things. Turns out, Jacob had lived here forever. Which Lilia knew." I turned to her and gave her a 'what the hell are these doctors doing' look. She looked confused. Probably as to what the doctors were doing. I continued telling them everything that happened.

After a while, they left the room and asked Lilia to come to. "Wait! I want Lilia in here! She's my only family left!" Lilia turned around to come back to me, but the doctors pulled her out. A few minutes later, my family walked in. "GUYS! YOU'RE ALIVE! HOW DID THEY MANAGE TO SAVE YOU" My parents ran over and gave me a hug. "Sweetie, we have something to tell you." My mom and dad looked at each other. "We were never shot. Everything you experienced, never happened. Once Stacey punched you, you started bleeding from your nose and mouth. One of her friends freaked out and ran to get the teacher. You're lucky that she did, because if she hadn't, you may have been dead by now." I gasped. What does she mean? Dead? Is this some kind of joke? "What are you talking about?" Everything that happened was too real. There is no way it wasn't real. "You've had brain cancer for a while now, but we didn't know. Whenever Stacey punched you, we brought you here and they then found out you had cancer. You've been in a coma for 3 months. The doctors said everything that you experienced what just you dreaming of something you would like to happen or you're scared of happening. It's rare, but happens to some people whenever they go into a coma." Why was this happening to me? Why me? Brain cancer? Wait... "How long do I have to live?" My mom sniffed and my dad hugged me. "Only a couple months." This can't be happening... Wait, Jacob!


Word Count: 616

Hey guys! It's Emma here! ✨ I'm sorry for the short chapter, I promise the next chapters will be longer! 😊 How do you guys feel about this chapter? What do you think should happen next? Comment below any suggestions or feedback! It's always great hearing from you guys! 💖🤘🏻

Q: What's your favorite color?

A: Ugh, hard decision but probably a light blue, light purple, or light pink! (Yes, I like light colors lol. 😂)

Always// Jacob Sartorius • Mark Thomas • Blake Gray • Hunter RowlandDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora