Chapter 11

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"Can someone please call Jacob?" I need to see Jacob. I have to tell him how I feel before I go. "I thought you didn't like Jacob?" Lilia asked me as she entered the room. "I don't... I mean... there is just something I need to tell him." Lilia raised her eyebrows while smiling. "It's not like that!" Well, maybe it was but she didn't need to know that. Lilia went to call Jacob and a couple minutes later he was in the room. 

"Hey, Lilia called and said you wanted to see me. I'm so glad you're awake." Jacob said as he entered the room. Everyone else walked out. "Well, yeah. But one thing first, no one has told me even what time is it so...?" We both laughed. "It's December 2nd and 11:36 am. I was just at school and came here."  I took a deep breath. I really hope he feels the same. "Jacob... there is something I need to tell you." He looked at me and tilted his head. "I kind of..." He laughed. Not exactly the response I was hoping for... "You were just hating me. What made you change your mind?" Should I explain? Will I sound crazy? I'm going to tell him. 

I explained everything and he put his hand on mine. "Emma, that was all a dream. I'm with Stacey. You like Liam. You just think you like me because of the image you made of me in your mind. I'm not actually like that. I don't think of romantic things." I sighed. I actually liked him, but I guess he had a point. I had began to like the Jacob I had painted in my mind, not the one in real life. I had forgotten that he was still with Stacey. And that I had agreed to go out with Liam. I did still like Liam, I just kind of wished Jacob was who I thought he was. 

Jacob and I caught up for about an hour and then he went back to school. I can't believe he stayed with Stacey after what she did to me. Apparently, Stacey told him some kind of story that he believed. I don't know. I let the day pass as I did nothing. I watched a couple of episodes on Netflix and texted my friends. I was eating dinner when I got a text from Jacob.

Jacob- It's past visiting hours so they won't let me in but I need someone to talk to

Me: whats wrong?

Jacob: Stacey broke up with me... she said she was in love with another guy named Mark

Me: no one goes to our school named Mark

Jacob: I don't know... All I know is that I want her back...

Me: since i only have 3 months left, the doctors said they will release me on sunday

Jacob: Only 1 day till I see you at home!!

Me: haha yes

Me: ill scope out this mark dude at school on monday

Jacob: Thank you for everything

Me: nppp

Mark? Who was Mark? I had never heard of him. Guess we'll find out Monday. I wonder if he's a transfer student. Stacey tends to go for fresh meat...


Word Count: 533


Hey guys!! It's Emma here! 😊 So I recently hit 100 views (!!!) on my book and I wanted to do something nice for you guys! I posted on my 'Conversations' section on my profile asking what you guys wanted... and someone wanted a marathon! So I decided I'm going to do that... and publish 3 CHAPTERS today!! 💖 Thank you for all the feedback! Please comment below if you have any, I love to hear from all of you! (Also, you can private message me any suggestions/feedback you have if you don't feel comfortable putting it in the comments!) ✨🤘🏻

Q: Have you ever wrote a Wattpad book?

A: Well, this is my first one! 

Always// Jacob Sartorius • Mark Thomas • Blake Gray • Hunter RowlandOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant