chapter 13

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The night was off to a good start. I had Rose mixed drink in hand. My aunt and uncle we're here.

The music was blasting while we waiting for Edward to finish up dinner. When I froze up to see a moving truck pulling in.

I went and ran into the house and started signing.

A huge moving truck just pulled in.

I followed Edward from behind him. I didn't even bother to look. I heard a fimaler voice but just couldn't place it.

"Baby it's alright. You can come out. It's Todd one of the new fire crew. He drove mom and dad's moving truck up here. He is from Battle Creek. He went to school with us." I slowly moved to the side of Edward but quickly went back behind Edward.

He was one of the kids that picked on me and I signed in Edwards hand. Edward turned and looked at me for a minute.

"Bennett I want to know right now we're you one of the people that picked on Bella Swan in school?" Edward never took his eyes off of mine.

"Yes and I am so sorry for that Bella. When I heard you and Edward are the best team to work for I took my chance because I can not be working with better team than your team. Look you guys are good at what you do and I want to be a part of that." I nod my head and turned my head and raised my hand for him to shake.

He took it and shook my hand. I smiled and looked at Edward. "Yes baby he can be on your team." Todd eyes widened.

"How you do that. She didn't say anything?" I started laughing. "Don't even asked that question because none of understand it either." Emmett says walking by.


We finally brought out the food just as mom and dad showed up. Most of us almost here.

We were waiting on Alice and Jasper now. They were coming up a week after mom and dad.

Emmett and Leo made a long picnic table to fit everyone at one table.

"So who does the cooking because this is sure good." Everyone points to me.

"Hey now I don't do all the cooking. Rose there cooks to and since mom here I'm sure she'll take a turn. Oh we can't forget about my son cause he's a great helper." I told Todd.

Then I Bella took me off guard when she signed in my hand.

I know something else your good at too.

I about choked on my drink. "Have you told him yet Bella?" Bella shook her head.

I looked between Susan and Bella. Then Bella signed in my hand.

I healed up nicely and Susan put me on the shot only as a precaution even though I can't have children. But we're in the clear.

I looked into Bella's eyes and then over at Susan and she puts a smile on her face and nods her head.

"Excuse us a minute. I need to talk to my wife in private." I grabbed Bella's hand and lead her to our bedroom and locked the door behind me.

Then I picked up Bella and carried her into the bathroom.


I couldn't help but laugh at Edward. But I knew it has been too long and I haven't been helping him any either.

"Lift!" He told me as he set me down. I lift my arms and Edward slides off my sun dress I had changed into.

He turns on the shower. "Now I know why you told me to take a couple of days off." He picks me up and I wrap my legs around him and he walks us back against the wall of the shower.

The minute he slides his manhood inside I tip my head back and enjoy the feel of him as he makes me moan.

I had to bury my face into his neck because I knew I was going to be louder than normal with my release. Edward release soon after and slid down to the floor.

"I love you baby." I smiled into his neck and started spelling with my fingers.

As I love you dear husband. Don't want to move.

Edward chuckled. "Come on we need to wash up and get back out there." He helped me up and helped me wash up to. Which of course lead us into another round.

We went and got dressed and opened the door and low and behold there was Emmett standing outside our door with a smirk.

It fell as soon as he seen Edward walk up and then Emmett took off with Edward chasing behind him.

I started laughing. This time Emmett didn't even get a chance to open his mouth. Edward just knew.

I walked back outside and felt a tug on my dress and I look down to see Julie. I bent down and picked her up into my arms.

She points and I look. I shake my head and sign my hand in her hand.

You want Daddy?

She nods her head. I walked up to where Edward was. "Dadda!" Edward turns and looks. All I could do is smile.

"Did you just say dadda?" Edward asked her. Julie held her arms out. "Dadda!" Edward took her into his arms and I signed to him.

A daddy's girl. I am going to go check on the twins.

I walked back into the house back to the twins room and froze in my tracks. Then I just let out the loudest scream I could and ran into the room and grabbed both babies and held them close to me.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.


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