chapter 14

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We heard Bella screaming and we got up and ran into the house. She had both twins in her arms and Todd was standing there.

"Get your ass and step out of the room now." I looked up to see Jacob with his gun drawn.

I quickly went to Bella's side. I took Shannon out of her arms and held her. The twins we're awake now.

We decided to take the twins out to there grandparents since they haven't meant them yet.

"My God they look just like you Edward." My mother said. "Hey now they got Bella's monkey ears." Bella starts laughing. She signs to me.

All you honey.

She grabbed my ears and pulled. "Ouch! Alright you proved your point." I kissed her on the nose and held her close to me.

"So Susan when does my wife get the all cleared to come back to work?" She smiled at me. "As soon as your days off are up she can go back to work." I picked up Bella and twrilled her.

Bella giggled. I slowly put her down. "It will be nice to have my partner back." I looked down at Bella and she was smiling big. She signed.

I missed working and my partner.

I couldn't help but laugh. "I missed you too baby." I held her closer to me.

"Let's get this party started off right and make it a welcome back for my best friend." Rose said and everyone agreed and the next I knew they took Bella away from me.


This was the best. I finally get to go back to work and we we're hiring young recurits in stead of them going to jail or juviy.

It was mine idea. We could teach them hard work and they had to stay here on lock down.

We started tomorrow. I signed
So when does the kids show up?

"Tonight sometime. Speak of the devil here they are now. Emmett greeting tonight and then we divide them up into teams tomorrow and get started. Welcome back to work baby." He kissed the top of my head.

The next morning I woke up and got into my uniform. I grabbed my walkie.

I walked out and grabbed a cup of coffee. "Ready to show them what you got?" I nodded. Edward walks in  and looks at me.

"Oh no don't give me that look baby. This is all you. Your the captain. I'm just second in command." Now how did that happen?

"You decided to go off on your own remember?" I put my head down and he gently lift's it up.

"You can do this were a team remember?" I nod my head and he gives me a quick kiss. We all walk out.

I got on the walkie.

Welcome to camp Cullen. Your here because the judge thought this would be better for you.

Now I'm am Captain Bella Cullen this is my second in Edward Cullen we are team 1.

Emmett and Rose there are team two, Jasper and Alice team three and so on.

Now my second in command will take over because my fingers are tired.

"Ha! You just want me to take over because you hate that damn walkie." I signed.

Damn right I do.

"No as you see my wife signs and also talks walkie there. She says some words but not to many. Word of warning don't pisst her off. I am just warning you."


Bella glared at me. "Oh shit. That's what I am talking about." I said.

"How you do that?" I looked out into the crowed. I looked at Bella and she shook her head.

"Sorry not a question to be answered. Emmett call off the teams and explain what we'll be doing while I take care of matter." I walked over and grabbed Bella by the arm and took her to the office.

I shut the door behind me and shoved caged her against the wall.

"Now what is your problem and it ain't just me." She tips her down and I knew.

"There not always think that Bella. Your good at what you do Bella. We both are. So what you can't speak. How about we teach the recruits sign so they can know what your saying. Rose can teach them all." A smile went on her face.

"Now go get changed in running clothes and whip your ass back into shape to." She gave me a quick kiss and ran into the house.

I stood there and shook my head. I walked out.


He always makes me feel better. How he does it I don't know. I remember he always has.
I grabbed my iPod and head phones since Edward was leading the class.

Like Edward said I was getting myself back into shape. I haven't done any of this in a long time. My time was spent on getting myself into shape like the rest of them.

I got up to the front and Edward took off. It felt good to run again. But half way through my heart started to beat to fast and everyone ran ahead.

What the hell was going on. "Hhheelllp!" But no one was around. I started to run again I ended up falling because I couldn't breathe and everything black out.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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