The Band

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The band~ chapter 1

Five boys from all different states one day came together and formed a band. Of course it wasn't that simple so that's why we do back story's isn't it kids. Well the five boys by the names of Jonah Marais, Corbyn Besson, Daniel Seavey, Jack Avery, and Zach Herron has all started on a random app; younow. Some toured together and two were even on American Idol together, sadly only one making it. But when the idea was born to form a band they jumped at the opportunity.

Now this isn't a story of the band itself but how three of these boys decided they needed each other more than as friends or brothers.

Zach's POV

Today is the day I leave my family and move out to L.A to be in this band. I love music, it's my life, but I'm gonna miss my little brother and sister. I feel like I'm betraying them in a seance; living my dreams while they're stuck in school doing shit no kid wants to do. My parents are proud and my siblings too; I just can't help but feel bad.

"Zachy your gonna come back right?" Reese asked me as I was packing on my things the day before I was scheduled to leave.
"Of course baby girl I'll come back any time I can" I said picking her up and tickling her as she let out loud laughs.

"Let her go Zach" my mom walked in and laughed as she shoed Reese away and started folding my clothes, helping me pack up.

"I'm gonna miss having my baby boy around" she said and folded more of my clothes putting them in a box. "Mom Ryan is your baby boy not me I'm 15" I looked at her and she gave me a sad smile. "I know...just don't do anything stupid out there" she looked at me and kissed my cheek before walking out. I turned my music back on and packed up more stuff. I soon heard a soft knock on my door as I just yelled "come in" and watched my father come in.

"'My boy moving out on his own" he looked at me and put an arm over my shoulder. "You do know I'm gonna be with my manager and 5 other boys right?" I said like a smartass as he just thwacked me in the forehead and laughed. "Yes Zachary I do" he looked down and sighed, "your mother said she already said this but I swear to god if u get a girl or guy pregnant we're kill you" he looked at me and I just laughed and nodded. "Ya she said that yesterday" I looked at him and he just patted my back and walked it.

God this is gonna be with out my annoying ass family all the time? Never thought that would happen this soon. I love them but I'll be glad to have my own space.

Jonahs pov

My parents were glad as hell to be getting rid of me. I was always more of the forgotten kid, not abused not mistreated but forgotten. I didn't have birthdays or a lot of love. My parents had my brother and sisters to love and I was just more of an after thought. When I got this offer to join a band I was thrilled to finally get out; my parents as well.
"Jonah when do u leave?" My older brother Zeb came in and asked. "Don't worry Zeb I'm out of your hair for good tomorrow" I rolled my eyes as I zipped up my suitcase and placed it from on my bed to the floor. "That's not what I meant, I'll miss you little bro" he said and side hugged me, forced, I thought. "Ya ya I'll miss you too" I said and fake smiled. "Where's seva?" I asked and he just shrugged and grabbed the last things out of my dresser.

"Don't forget these" he snickered and threw a box of condoms at me. "Wouldn't wanna leave with out those" he laughed again as I just blushed and laughed as well. "Ya ya don't you have a life to attend too?" I said and he shrugged and left the room.

That was embarrassing. Idk why he found it so funny...he was the one steeling my condoms to have sex with his girlfriend. I told him to get his own but nooo were brothers we can share. In other words he's too embarrassed to go buy his own, that little shit.

Jacks pov

"Damn it theses are gonna be too hard to cover up" I whispered to myself as well tried to confer the visible bruises I had received from my lickin (What my family calls a beating essentially) this morning. Sometimes I couldn't believe my own stepdad would hit me but he does and I do. The bruises covered my arms and legs as well as some on my face and ribs from being hit so much. I don't have a very good family; my dad died when I was little and my mom just a year ago so I'm with my stepdad and sisters. My dad beats me and verbally abuse me too. Tells me I'm fat or not good enough for anything or anyone or a waste of life. Her isn't the best.

This bad was my way out; I get to go live with out harm for at least awhile. I love music, it's my passion my whole life. I wrote songs about everything and everyone. I just love it so much.

"Jack get your ass down here?!" My stepdad yelled making me cringe instantly. Damn it I don't wanna get hit again. "Yes father?" I yelled back as he just let out a loud huff and walked up ten stairs. "Pack your shit and be out before I get back, I don't wanna see your fat ugly ass in here anymore" he spat and turned to leave.

I hate my life. I hate my family. I hate this house. And I really hope I don't hate this band...

Newest book? Yes no maybe??

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