Chapter 1

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This book isnt edited, so please pardon any typing errors.

"Happy birthday to you!!!!!"

I was beaming. That was the best birthday ever! Yes. It was. Sixteen, two years before I become legal.
But I couldn't wait, I was too eager, Samuel promised to make it more interesting than it already was I wonder how he would. I didn't know how to tell my parents I would be going over to his place. They just wouldn't say yes so I ran up to my best friend Korede

"Should I tell mummy I'm going to your place tonight? ".I asked

"Jeez, You're using my name to lie"Korede eyed me pretending to be angry at me

"Come on!! Please!! Just this once. Have I ever done something like that before? " I teased

"No, but what are you going to his house for? "

"I already told you "I groaned hitting the floor with my leg "We wanna celebrate, just me and him "

"Urrrghh!!! Just try not to get me in trouble "Korede grumbled

"Thank you! "I squealed, hugging her tight. She pushed me off but still laughed.

"Why do you have to go to his house? Can't he come over here instead? "

"And you think it'll be interesting with my parents breathing down our necks "I rolled my eyes at her

"At least its safe" she shrugged casually

"Whatever. Kill joy "I smirked "Stop been such a sadist and Samuel will never hurt me "

"I heard you"She said"I want cake Can i have some? "

"Go get some.Ill be upstairs picking a gown"I told her

"You're wearing a gown? "She asked with her eyea wild open

"Yes? " I replied more like asking a question

"Shouldn't you be wearing.. Like jean trouser? It'll be just the both of you"

"You are boring! Why would I wear that! Its a dinner date "

"Umm.. Whatever, I'll meet you upstairs "She shrugged and went off to get her cake. She always does that. I mean whenever I talk of Samuel, she gets all protective and starts with her advice. Just like grandma always does whenever she comes visiting.

Samuel and I have been together for six months. I totally trust him. He wouldnt hurt me on purpose. I just danced to my birthday music as i headed upstairs to my room. I opened my closet and started eyeing the clothes there.

"I need a change of clothes "I told myself

"You just changed them last month"

"Ahh!! Mum you scared me! " I screamed at mt mum who just suddenly showed up at the door.

"Where are you going? " Mum asked

"To korede's.. We want a girl's night out "I rushed out.

"Aren't you girls tired. You just had a hectic day "

"We want to end it with popcorn and ice cream "I grinned at her

"And who did you take permission from? "She asked putting her hand on the door.

"I was going to tell you, but you were busy"I quickly lied "can I go. Please? "

"Ask your dad " She said. I quickly closed the closet door and ran downstairs to meet my dad.

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