Chapter Two

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You sat with Jiho, or Zico, as he likes to be called, at lunch for the past few weeks. You two became close friends, sharing things with each other. Other people thought that you two were going out,but that wasn't the case, even though you still secretly wanted it to happen. Zico walked you to your history class, with a nervous look on his face.

"What's wrong?" You were worried a little bit.

"'s nothing big. Just me freaking over nothing." He said, not making eye contact.

"I'm gonna ask you again. What's wrong?" You said, getting impatient.

"I just want to ask you something..." He hesitated a bit. "Do you wanna come over to my house and watch a movie? As friends? I promise that I won't try to make a move on you." You blushed a little before answering him.

"Y-yea sure. That sounds cool. "

"Ok good. Where do I meet you after school then?"

"By the front doors."

"Ok. See you soon y/n."

" Looking forward to it. "

You met with Zico in the front, excited for what was to happen during the rest of the day. He looked up from his phone and smiled.

"So, are you ready? I don't live that far from the school so we can walk." You nodded and started walking towards his house, talking about drama that was happening in school, laughing at the stupid things people get into fights for. You were at least two blocks from his house when you stopped abruptly.

"Why'd you stop? We're almost there." He said, pointing down the block. You stared down the block, looking nervous.

"C-can we like...take the long way to your house?" He looked at you confused.

"Why would you want to take the long way? And what are you looking at? " He asked, following your gaze. Down the street was a group of guys, and one of them happened to be your ex boyfriend. You turned around quickly, walking back down the street at a fast pace, with Zico right behind you. You were hoping that if you walked fast enough, he wouldn't see you. But he obviously did.

"Oh y/n!" Your ex said in a sing song voice. You stopped and turned around slowly .

"Fuck." You thought. "What do you want YuKwon?" You said, annoyed. He flashed his pearly white teeth and walked over to you, trying to seduce you.

"I haven't seen you in forever and that's how you greet me?" He said, still smiling. "Don't you miss me y/n?" He stroked your hair with his hand, only to have it pushed away.

"Fuck no. After the way you treated me?" Zico looked at you and raised his eyebrows.

"But I've changed. I'll treat you better this time baby girl." You scoffed at his pathetic attempt to get back with you.

"One, don't call me that. Two, you know damn well that's a lie. Three, there isn't gonna be a next time. You're gonna pretend that you love me for the first couple of weeks. Then try to get into my panties AGAIN but you're gonna fail. After I say no to you you're just gonna go to another girl who'll have sex with you then forget all about me. It's happened before. Never. Again. You are the biggest regret that I have."

"Fuck you bitch." He mumbled.

"Yea well, if your dick wasn't so small you might have a chance." YuKwon winced at your words then grabbed your arm harshly, throwing you up against the wall.

"Get the hell off her!" Zico pushed him away from you, causing YuKwon to stumble back.

"And who the fuck are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. You need to learn to back off. She obviously doesn't want to talk to you so just leave her alone." YuKwon glared at Zico and then you. He scoffed at Zico and smirked.

"You're lucky that your little boy toy here saved you. But he's not gonna be around forever." He threatened. YuKwon and his group of morons left after that, not looking back. You felt your eyes start to water.

"Are you ok?" He asked, concerned. You wiped your eyes and made a somewhat convincing smile.

"Yea I'm fine. Let's just go to your house. I don't want to think about that asshole anymore." He nodded and you two kept on walking in silence. 

"Thanks for sticking up for me back there...I owe you one."

"No problem. We're here now." He took out his keys and opened the door. You walked in and stood there, not knowing where to go or what to do. He chuckled at your nervousness.

"Come on. My room is this way."

After getting comfortable on his bed, he turned on the movie and went downstairs to go make some popcorn. Something on his desk had caught your eye. It was a note and it had your name on it. You weren't sure if the note was for you or about you. So you just decided to leave it alone. You tried to focus on the movie, but your curiosity was eating you up inside. Finally you had enough and moved towards the note, but at that moment Zico walked in with a big tub of popcorn.

"What took you so long?"

"I burnt the first pack so I had to make more."

"Of course you did." You smiled at him and took some popcorn. He sat down next to you, shoulder to shoulder, making your cheeks grow pink.

"Huh...that's weird."

"What is?"

"You don't look ugly today." He said, joking.

"Oh shut up." You hissed. You threw popcorn at him, catching him off guard.

"I can throw popcorn too!" He threw it in your hair, making you squeal. You two started throwing the popcorn at each other, acting like little kids again. There was a bunch of squealing and giggling as you two played with each other. At the end of it, his room looked a mess. You looked around the room and felt bad.


"It's ok. I'll clean it up later." You nodded and went back to watching the movie. Eventually, you dozed off and fell asleep on Zico's arm. He stroked your hair softly, careful not to wake you up.

"She looks so beautiful when she sleeps. That jerk doesn't deserve her. He never did." He thought to himself. He pulled you closer to him and fell asleep, thinking about how yours and his relationship would unfold.

I'm getting more and more sappy and I hate it. But I love it at the same time. I actually don't have anything against YuKwon. It just seemed that way. In fact he's my bias and always will be. I just needed to add some drama and couldn't think of anyone else at that time.

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