Chapter Three

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Your phone buzzed loudly, waking you up from your dream. It was a text from Zico.

9:25 am
Zico: Wake up sleepy head! I have plans today!

You: What the hell are you doing up? It's so early.

Zico: Not really. You're just not a morning person

You: That and it's SATURDAY!

Zico: So? Just meet me at my house at 1 please?

You: Uuugghhh. Fine

Zico: Thanks! You're the best😊

You blushed slightly at the text and felt really warm and fuzzy. You ignored the feeling though. Slowly, you climbed out of bed heading towards the bathroom. You took a nice hot shower and went to find something to wear for the day. You put on some ripped jeans with a plain white v-neck shirt. There was somebody knocking on the door and you went to go answer it.

"SURPRISE!" Your old friend Jaehyo wrapped his arms around you and gave you a bear hug.

"Where have you been at? It's been so long!" You asked, hugging him.

"I had to move out of town for a couple of months. I would've thought that you would be more happy to see me."

"I am it's just...I was about to go see someone." You said, blushing.

"Oooooh! Y/N has a booyyyfrriiieeennddd!!!"

"No I don't! Shut up! You're so childish!" You punched him in the arm playfully.

"What does he look like? Is he tall? Does he have a lot of hair? Is he new? Do I know him? How long have you known each other? Does he like you? Is he-" You put your hand over his mouth to make him be quiet.

"Jaehyo? Shut up."

"Fine. If you really want to go you can. But promise me that we'll hang out later? I really missed you." He pleaded.

"I promise."

"Yay! Ok now go before your boyfriend gets mad."

"He's not my boyfriend!" He shooed you away as you started heading over to Zico's place. You rolled your eyes at him, smiling.

Zico was already waiting for you on his steps. As soon as he saw you, his face lit up in happiness.

"There she is! How's my favorite best friend?"

"You mean your only best friend. And I'm doing just fine." You hugged him tightly. He smelled like soap, cologne, and lavender.
"So are we gonna go inside or what?" You asked.

"Oh yeah. Come in." He gestured for you to go in his house. "Don't get all shy like you did yesterday."

"I'm not." You put your jacket on the couch and made yourself comfortable.

"Are you hungry?"

"Not really. Are you?" He nodded his head.

"But it's ok. I can order some pizza." He took out his phone but you pushed it back down.

"Why are you gonna spend extra money if there's food in here? I'm gonna cook something for you."

"But I really don't want you to use up all of your energy."

"I said I'm gonna cook for you." You hissed.

"Okok fine. Jeez." You headed towards the kitchen and looked in his refrigerator. You took out some eggs, bacon, then went in the cabinet to get the pancake mix. Zico sat on the couch playing on his game. He eventually became hot and went upstairs to take off his shirt. You were making the pancakes when a shirtless Zico walked in. You gasped softly at his toned abs. He was slightly sweaty from the heat of the kitchen, making you blush.

"Have my Heart"  Zico x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now