Chapter Seven

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The hospital smells like...well hospital. You sit in the waiting room on your phone as you wait for Zico to come out. Sending a quick text to Jaehyo, letting him know where you were, you looked around the waiting room. It was small and white, with only a few people sitting around you looking bored out of their mind. There was a magazine rack at the entrance but seriously, who reads those?

It's been ten minutes and Zico still hasn't come out yet. Sighing, you eventually close your eyes and doze off. After about five more minutes, Zico walks out, looking around the room for you. When he finally spots you, he chuckles lightly to himself and walks over to you. You felt something pluck you on your forehead and you open your eyes to curse the person out.

"Hey what the fu- Zico!!" Jumping up from your seat, you wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tightly. Zico smiled and hugged you back. But then he immediately pulled away after feeling you pinch him.

"Ow! What was that for?!" He exclaimed.

"That was for plucking me!" You punched his arm, making him hurt and confused.

"This is abuse you know." He smartly commented.

"Shut up. That was for taking 10 hours to come out." He rolled his eyes. "And this," You hugged him tightly once again and held on. "Is because I missed you."

After hearing those words, Zico's heart melted on the spot, making  him feel warm inside as he hugged you back.

"I should get hurt more often if this is how I'm gonna be treated." He said, chuckling to himself. But you didn't find that funny.

"Don't play like that. I don't want you getting hurt again."

"Awh. Does y/n care for me?" He was mocking you with a baby voice as he started laughing.

"Yes. I do actually. Now shut up before I put you back in the hospital." You hissed.

"Fine whatever. Let's go." You nodded and followed Zico as he headed out the door and out of the hospital.

It made Zico happy knowing that someone cared for him as much as you did. You two walked side by side, Zico's hand itching to grab yours and intertwine your fingers together. He also had an urge to wrap his arm around your waist and hold you close, claiming you as his.

But he couldn't.

Because he wasn't sure how you felt towards him.

So he was scared out of his mind.

You arrived at your house, throwing your jacket wherever and plopped down on the couch, sighing.

"My feet are fucking killing meeee." Whining, you stretched out your arms, taking up most of the couch. Zico chuckled and layed down on top of you, his heavy weight unexpected.

"Z-Zico!! Get off of me!!" You slapped his back but he just laughed, getting very comfortable.

"Come on get off!!" You hit his arm but he still didn't move. So you decided to push him onto the floor, and it worked.

"Ow!" He winced and rubbed his head.

"You asswipe I could've died!"

"But you didn't. And I'm not that heavy." Pouting, you turned on the TV and decided to ignore him. Cuz you know...petty.

"Y/n." He whined, poking your leg. "Come on don't ignore me! I'm sorry for almost squishing you to death."

"Don't ignore meeee."

"Y/n I said sorry. Come on!"

"I won't do it again I promise!"

"I'll never annoy you again!"

"I'll buy you ice cream!"

"And any type of food you want!"

That deal did sound pretty nice. And you secretly loved it when Zico begged cutely like that.


"Really??" If he had a tail, it would be wagging so fast right now. You tried hard to not laugh at his cuteness and nodded at him, a small smile tugging at your lips.

"Yay! I almost got sad there." He pulled himself back onto the couch and sat next to you.

"You?? Woo Jiho almost got sad?? Wow what else are you hiding from me?" You commented playfully.

A lot of things sadly. If only you knew. He thought to himself. Pulling himself onto the couch, he sat next to you and rested his head on your shoulder. Blushing slightly, you played with his hair, smiling at how soft it was.


"Yes Zico?"

"I..." He bit his lip nervously. "I think I lo-" He was rudely interrupted by the loud ringing of your phone.  He sighed motioning you to take it.

You picked up the phone with a slightly annoyed voice. "Hello?"

"Hi is this y/n?"

"Who is this?" A confused look passed across your face.

"I can't tell you that unless you're y/n."

"Ok yes I am. Now who the fuck is this?" Zico looked at you and saw that you were annoyed and was starting to get a little angry. He felt you go stiff next to him as he looked up at you. Your face paled as you stared at the black tv in front of you, hanging up the phone.

"Who was it?" He asked cautiously.


A pinch of silence.

And a half cup of some more silence.


"My ex best friend."

Holy shit man I've been gone for a long time and I apologize. I just haven't really been in the mood to write. But I'm back now bitches!! ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2018 ⏰

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