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The next morning- 7:06 AM

Eddie's Pov

I wake up to check the time and I forgot all about the person in my bed, who has his arms around my waist, spooning me as his hot breath tickles my neck. School starts at 8:15 and my mom comes and checks on me in 5 minutes. I turn my body over and start shaking Richie to wake up.
"Richie...Richie, you gotta get up. My mom is coming into my room in 5 minutes."
Richie pops his head right up.
"Oh shit."
His brown curls swish in front of his face, then he gets up, driving to put his shorts on and his loose Hawaiian Pineapple shirt he loves so much. He runs towards me, give me a tight hug and says
"Had a nice sleepover, see ya soon Dr. K!"
"Rich just go already. Bye"
"Bye Eds." And with that, he hopped out of the window and ran towards home. At this moment, I hear loud stomps approaching my room. I  bound for my bed, resting my head on my pillow closed my eyes and slowed down my breathing. About 40 seconds later, my paunchy mom stomps into my room
"Eddie, wake up, time for your medicine and Flintstone vitamin."
I open my eyes, giving them a nice big roll of them. I yawn and start stretching, acting like I just woke up.
"Thanks mom."
She tromps out with a nod.
"Finally" I whisper under my breath.
I plaster a big smile on my face, thinking of last night. Does Richie like me? Like, like that? Nah... we are just super good friends.
And with my last thought, I got ready for school.

Group chat 8:02 am
The Losers Club

Beaverly:  why am I the only one at school right now??
Stutters: I'm legit  15 feet behind you with Stan
BennyB: I'm almost there... woke up half an hour late
Beaverly: wow that's not like you Ben
BennyB: ik crazy right
Stan: quick question for everyone, who put an alarm on my phone yesterday waking me up at 2 o'clock in the fucking morning?!?!
Home school: are you really asking that question...
BennyB: you know who
Beep Beep: are you trying to blame me for shit I didn't do? It was Eddie
Spaghetti: Richie don't you dare blame that on me, plus we already know who did
Stutters: Well who??
Spaghetti : Bill, you are the only person who knows Stan's password on his screen
Beep Beep: hmmm
Beaverly: Haha it was me. Love you stannnn
Stan: 🖕🖕🖕
Stan: I want a new mom now. Bev give me away
Beaverly: awe my poor baby
Beep Beep: and you guys try to blame me?
BennyB: sorry Rich😂
Stutters: are you guys almost to school?
Spaghetti: yaaaa bout 2 mins
Beep Beep: I'm walking your way now
Beep Beep: is everyone still coming to my place tonite
Home school: hell yeah boi
Beaverly: yeah
Stan: yeppers
BennyB: hold up, forgot to tell my mom. I'll text her now
Beep Beep: jeez Ben! Waken up late, forgot about a sleepover. What's next? Forgot your homework
Home school: oof
Stan: wow, you're falling apart
Stutters: I'll let you copy my homework
BennyB: praise you Bill
Stutters: Haha it the least I can do. You let us come to your house and eat your food
Beaverly: tru dat

***time skip:)

Messages between Rich and Eds
Richie: hey you didn't answer  my question
Eddie: what question?
Richie: are you still coming over to my house tonight
Eddie: oh yeah
Richie: okayyy good
Eddie: why good
Richie: becuz I like it when all the LOSERS are there together
Eddie: hmmmm
Richie: what's hmmmm for
Eddie: nothing.  Dont worry about it
Richie: will ya tell your daddy tonite?
Eddie: maybe
Richie: okay, now you be good for daddy
Eddie: stfu RICH also...
Richie: what's up?
Eddie: umm I want to try weed tonight, but we have to wash my clothes right away!!!!
Richie: really?
Eddie: yeah why not. Yolo right
Richie: oh jeez don't ever text me that again
Richie: but umm yeah sure eds
Eddie: okay :)
Eddie: Stan told me he wants to try, along with Bill
Richie: Well shit, gotta go see my drug dealer after school then
Eddie: oh okay
Richie: just tell Stan to drive you all to my place. You know where the spare key is at
Eddie: the big garden pot on the right
Richie: awe you remember!
Eddie: yeahhhhh
Richie: okay see you later then eds. I should be home by 4:30 or earlier. Just play some video games in my room or something, or we got rock band down stairs
Eddie: ooh gonna beat your high scores on guitar
Richie: you wish, gotta go. Bye <4
Richie: *<3

***time skip:)

Eddie's pov

I walk out of school and head towards Stan's truck. Surprisingly I'm the first one there, so I let the tailgate down and plop my stuff on it including myself. I sit there thinking about what might happen tonight. At Richie's house anything could happen. Maybe an accidental make out session... That would be fun! Lost in thought I never heard Ben calling my name.
"Eddie. Hey Eddie." Ben called
"Oh, Hi"
"Are you okay?"
"Um yeah. I was just thinking"
"Haha okay, so where's Richie?"
"He said he had to go do something after school, so he wants all of us to just drive there. I know where the spare key is."
"Oh okay cool."
"Hey guys!" Mike shouted
"Hey" Ben and I said at the same time
"Its gonna be lit tonight!!!!" Mike said pumping his fist in the air.
" Yeah, oh here comes the rest of the LOSERS."
Bill yells out loud" Hi Ho to Richie's house we goooo!!!"
We all got packed up into Stan's truck and off we went.

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