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*messages between Bev and Rich *

Bev: richhhhh
Rich: whattttt
Bev: hurry upppp
Rich: lol why? How's the crew doing?
Bev: we're all good here.
Rich: and Eds?
Bev: your boy toy is good, wrecking all of your high scores on rock band
Rich: damnit! I worked so hardddd and he's not my boy toy, well not yet;)
Bev: Oh boyyyy, just ask him out already!
Rich: I'll be there in 5
Bev: ugh fine see ya soon

Richie's pov

Should I ask Eddie out? I'm not sure he's getting my hints. I really like Eddie, more like love him. His cute nose filled with freckles, his sweet brown eyes, his sweet soft smelling hair and Eddie's sexy lips. I don't want to have my heart broken if he rejects me, so I'll give it time.
About 3 minutes into the walk, a notice a tall black figure a little ways away. Paranoia took over and I bolted for home.
As I scrambled to open those doors I felt like the figure's presence was right behind me. I pushed myself inside and locked the doors, now turning back to see that nothing was there.

"Woah Richie.... are you Okay?" Mike said handing him a water bottle and waiting for Richie to catch his breath.
"Um yeah.. Yeah I'm good. Just wanted to see how fast I could sprint"
"Oh okay, well everyone is downstairs in your basement. Eddie is kicking ass on guitar! And I'm doing pretty good at singing not gonna lie."
"Wow, even better then Bev?"
"Hell yeah dude. Come on." He gestured his arm forward.
"Hold on, I'm gonna go to my room and change clothes real quick. Tell them I'm here and I'll be down in a minute"
"Okay bro."
I watch Mike head down stairs to the basement, then run off to my room. I change into some basketball shorts and clean up my room a little bit. Had to put my special lotion away so none of the LOSERS makes fun of me, plus that would be embarrassing if Eddie saw. I also put my dirty laundry in the basket. Oh my sweet Eddie bear <3 How is he so adorable? Because his mom is ugly as shit. Before I walk put, I take a good look at my room making sure it's okay and presentable.
"Wow, not bad Rich." A familiar voice said.
"Haha thanks Bev."
"Soooo... when are you going to confess your love for Eddie?"
"Bev, I've told you a thousand times, I don't like him like that!"
"Bull shit, I see the way you look at him. Sometimes you just stare at him and have a huge grin. Then when he looks, you look down, then up, then make fun of him. It's adorable."
"Well, I'm waiting for him to make the first move Bev, so give it time will ya."
"So what if he's waiting for you to make the first move?"
"You know me Bev. I ain't like that. I'm not good talkin about all that mushy feeling type stuff."
"Okayyy fine. Come on, let's go down stairs." Beverly lightly pushed me out of my room.
"But for real, you should tell Eddie."
"Ill think about it."
"Ughh fine"

***Time skip:)

"Jesus Eddie! How are you so good on guitar?" Mike said, shaking his head astonishingly.
"You don't even have any video games at your house! This doesn't make sense." Stan exclaimed
"Eddie watches YouTube videos and memorized the colors. He's a big cheater."
"Wow, making up lies. Just confess that I'm better then you."
"Fine, I have 2 guitars. Let's battle then. We can have Billy pick the song. And we'll do it on expert. Who ever hits the most notes gets to make the loser do whatever the winner saids.
"No what fine. Sure. You just can't except the fact that I'm better then you. Typical Richie. I'm going to win."
"Haha alright Eddie bear. Big Bill, pick a song, any song."
"Okay, hand me the controller then."

***time skip:)
"Richie that's so fucking unfair. You can't just keep yelling out random colors to mess me up."
"Sorry Eds. Its not my fault that your not good. Better luck next time, but Hey! I get to boss you around for the whole night."
"Fine okay. But Richie I swear nothing that will make me sick. Or give my mom an aneurysm."
"Doesn't matter eds, I get to boss you around. That's what happens when you become a loser."
"We are all LOSERS here Richie." Stan said standing up and going upstairs to refill his cup with water.
"But eds here is the ultimate loser!"
"Shove up your ass rich, I'm not doing anything gross."
"Well see my cute Eddie Bear. Well my first order for you is to go upstairs and bring me down the vodka and the pack of beers in the fridge."
"I'll help you Eddie." Bill said.
Bill started walking up the stairs when he ran into Stan. Billy fell backwards while Stan fell right on top of him. Their dicks might of rubbed a little, getting them both kinda hard. Also Stan spilled his drink all over billy. Praise god it's only water
"Wow, way to go Stan! Making the first move."
"Can we change your name back to 'Bills Jewish Sugar Daddy' ?" Beverly cracked out loud. All of the LOSERS laughed even Stan and Bill.
"Stan get off of meeee."
"What's the magic word Bill?"
"M-Move your ass."
"Hmmm, guess I'm going to stay here longer." Then Stan whispered in his ear" and maybe press our dicks harder together ;)"
"Oh yes p- please Papi, b-b-but for now, please get up so I c-can go fix my p-p- problem."
Stan finally got off of Bill and put a hand put to help him up.
"Richie, can I b-b-b-barrow a shirt? Mine got wet."
"Okay, Stan already came all over You? Wtf?"
"Hey Trashmouth, be quiet for once." Stan glared.
"Can we kick someone out of their own sleepover?  Like Idk Richie?"
"Haha shut it Haystack." Everyone laughed again then finally Eddie and Bill went up stairs.

I know this chapter was kinda lame but it's a build up to the next chapters.i promise.

Reddie For The LOSERS CLUB? (On Hold)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα