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I need to fucking tell someone. I feel like I'm going insane. I'll text Bill asking yo come over. Shit! My parents tho. I'll ask too see if I can if not I'll sneak out I guess.

Text messages to Big Bill:

Rich: Dude can I come over?! I need to tell you something ASAP!!
Bill: Why can't you text it?
Rich: i just can't Bill! Please?!
Bill: yeah sure.
Rich: Thank God,  be there soon
Bill: 👍

Gosh I love him. He's the 2nd best person in the world. I rush out of my room hitting my bad hand in the process.

"Ow Fuck."

I hear the living room t.v. on so that must mean they are there.

"Hey guys, Bill asked if I can come over and spend the night, plus I have to give him back the shirt he left here."

"Sure hun, but I am picking you up at 9:30 am tomorrow because I made a docter appointment at 10."

"Okay mom, cool with you dad?"

"Yeah, if your mom saids yes it's always a yes for me."

"Haha, okay. Thank you guys." Holy shit my heart is pounding so hard.

"One more thing... can I take the car?It's late at night already and I can be home right on time."

"You know where the keys are."

"I'll make it up to you guys."

"Haha be safe love you." My mom saids.

"Love you guys." I run back to my room, shove some random clothes off the floor into my bag and go out the front door. I forgot my house key but I'll use the hidden one I guess. I look around real carefully making sure I don't see any eyes watching me. As I walk fastly to the car door, I hear a crash, like when you drop a flower pot. Oh god. It's my mom's flower pot knocked over. I unlock the car doors as fast as I can, then lock them and start the engine. Not even turning my head back, I back out of the drive way and head to Bills house.

• • •

"And that's everything Bill. Ever since we were at the Barrens that 'thing' has been after me." Bill looks at me with slight fear in his eyes.

"And you don't have a clue why it's after you?"

"No Bill! I have no fucking idea why and I'm just so scared to be alone and I'm not sure who I was supposed to go to and just why is this happening?!"

"Richie calm down. Let's think this through in a logical way. I believe we should tell the whole group, we work better when we are a team."

"But what if it's one of those creatures that if I tell someone, he'll be after them too. So that means all of us would have that monster on our asses. God I shouldn't have even told you because now it might come after you. I'm so stupid." I put my hands in my hair wanting to rip every strand out. This is so frustrating.

"Richie, hey you are okay for tonight. We need to tell everyone, I think that's whats best."


"Okay, let's go to sleep yeah?"

"Yeah sure. I'm sleeping with you and you can't stop me."

"You always do anyway." I chuckle and throw a pillow at his face.

"I'll make you sleep on this floor right now."

"Uh huh. Haha goodnight Big Bill."

"Night trash mouth."

• • •

Group chat Name: The Losers Club

Big Bill: everyone needs to be down at the barrens around 1 o'clock. It's urgent
Stan: is everything okay Bill?
Big Bill: yeah, but it's not about me, it's about Richie
Haystack: ok, I'll be there.
Beaverly: me too
Spaghetti: I'll try... my mom is in a bad mood right now
Home school: i have to help out my pa, can we do 1:30?
Big Bill: yeah, we will all be waiting for you then. I won't let Richie start until you are there
Home School: okayyy

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2019 ⏰

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