Chapter Forty-Nine

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My hand dove for the door handle, to yank it open but Clark grabbed me first. He pushed me away, his body a barricade between me and my only exit.

"What a lovely surprise," he purred. His hand held my wrist tight, so tight the bones groaned. He pushed me back into the room. "I thought that was you in Omaha. How in the hell did you get away from Wilson?"

I ripped my hand out of his. "I'm wanted back in the kitchen."

Clark, with a smile, turned on his heels and opened the door. "I am keeping the kitchen maid for a time. Tell the cook I will bring her back."

The door closed and I took another step back. Clark waited a moment, his ear up to the door to hear the retreating footsteps of the guard. The slave trader turned to me, his sea blue eyes pinning me where I stood.

"How did you get here from Omaha?" he asked me.

"By wishing really hard." I closed my eyes and damned my brain for its stupidity. In my chest, my heart pumped like galloping horses and my head was in panic mode. Sarcasm would not help me right now.

When I opened my eyes, Clark smirked at me. His eyes roamed down my body, at the fitting clothes that hugged my hips and chest.

"Where are you from?"

"What is with the questions?"

"It's not polite to answer a question with a question."

I stuck out my chin, lips tight. Can't take an inch, if I don't give an inch. Maybe if I didn't say anything, he would just let me leave. But I didn't like that look he gave me when his eyes roamed my body. If I didn't speak he could do things to me. Things I didn't want to think about.

"I just wanted to get to know you."

A retort was ready to fly from my lips, but I held it in. My face was a mask of indifference. My body was loose, hands at my sides, ready to fight if need be.

Clark took a step toward me. "No need to get all headstrong on me. I have met a person from the United Regions before, she was a bitch." A smile pulled at Clark's lips. "You are from the United Regions."

"What? No." Too quickly. I said the words too quickly. In my mind, every thought, emotion, and sense went beyond panic. My conscience went haywire while my morals and judgment passed out and common sense was trying to shut everything down.

A knowing smile creased Clark's face. He knew I was lying. He had said the statement with such confidence. "Oh, you are not from the United Regions?"

"Nope." Okay, too casual.

"Then where are you born? Where is your family?"

My face was blank while I scrambled to think of a city, a town, a village, any place that was on this side of the wall. But I was too slow to answer.

Clark took a step toward me and I backed away. Right into the back of the sofa. He stood close to me, I could smell the soap that he had used when he showered.

"I know your secret," Clark whispered to me, "Unless that boy got into your pants, you are very valuable. I can easily go to Murphy and we can set up an auction for you. We haven't had one in a while. The men would love it."

The words shook me down to my core. Alec blackmailed me in school. Then I only laughed at his face and let him do it. This was different. This was a nightmare.

I chewed on my bottom lip. Let Clark destroy me both mentally and physically, or to let him know the truth. Where was the harm in letting him know I was there anyway? He didn't know the mission I was on. He didn't know who I was or Ben. I could say I escaped the Wall to find a different life, even if it wasn't better. I had to play this game carefully.

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