Chapter 5

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"Dazai..." Chuuya said through gritted teeth, "if you don't come back here right now and start acting like a normal human being...I swear I am going to throw you into the first bush I find and leave you there."

Dazai was currently running around and looking at everything. Frequently stopping to ask Chuuya what something was. Ten minutes ago, however, he was clinging to CHuuya like his life depended on it due to all the 'scary people' who were walking around. This clinging had gone on for the first half an hour of the trip before Chuuya finally convinced Dazai that they were no threat to him. Once that happened, Dazai reverted into his curious, childish, energetic self. This meant he just ran around causing trouble and leaving Chuuya to sort everything out. Chuuya couldn't even risk shouting in case Dazai started crying on the street. He refused to be humiliated that way in front of potentially anyone, including enemies. Instead, he just had to try and convince Dazai to at least pretend to act like a twenty-two-year-old.

"Chuuya, look!" Dazai pointed at a bridge.

"Yes, Dazai, it's a bridge, how exciting. Now come back over here before I throw you off it!"

Dazai sighed and gave in, trotting over to Chuuya and falling into step beside him.

"Good boy." Chuuya blinked. He couldn't believe he'd just said that. In fact, even Dazai looked down, a little confused.

"Forget I said that..." Chuuya muttered.

Dazai simply nodded and continued walking. That was the thing with Dazai, he was still as unpredictable as ever. He could be very obedient and listen to Chuuya without any questions asked, but he could also be the most disobedient person on the planet, and so Chuuya had come to mentally thank God for all the times Dazai actually listened to him.

They had been walking around doing their mission for over an hour now and they were currently heading towards the park. Dazai was, at this very moment, curious about how the design of the bins had changed in comparison to where they were half an hour ago. Chuuya did have to wonder exactly why he chose something as random as the bins to pick up on and be curious about, but he had learnt to tune out of Dazai's ramblings and curious lectures.

This is, of course, what Chuuya was doing until he heard something akin to a scream. He snapped into focus again and looked around, also noticing Dazai had gone missing.

"Dazai?" Chuuya called, only to see Dazai sprinting in the distance, still screaming from time to time as, Chuuya squinted to look, a dog tried to run after him. Chuuya simply took a deep breath and let it out slowly, regretting everything. Of course, Chuuya had completely forgotten about Dazai's fear of dogs, although it looked like it survived the coma. Dazai also couldn't just deal with it like a normal person, instead choosing to make an absolute scene out of the whole thing.

Chuuya began to walk over just as Dazai had begun to run around in large circles, the dog still chasing him. It's only when the dog outsmarted him and Dazai ended up backing away from the energetic little thing that Chuuya started to get worried. During his frantic running around, Dazai had ended up near to the bank of the river and was currently backing towards it. Chuuya would have used his ability right there and then had it not been for the fact he was around civilians and, of course, the minute he touched Dazai it would be nullified.

"Dazai!" Chuuya called out, running towards him.

Dazai looked at him. "Chuuya!! Help!!" He cried in a panicked voice.

The dog barked and jumped up at him, clearly just wanting attention rather than being aggressive. Dazai, however, shrieked and jumped backwards in fright, dangerously close to the riverbank. In fact, Chuuya could only watch as Dazai's ankle overturned and he fell backwards, straight into the river.

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