Chapter 12

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It was the following day after Dazai's tantrum and Chuuya had reported to Mori that he would be taking Dazai out. After hearing where Chuuya would be taking him, however, Chuuya got given a surprising yet very important mission.

"Come on, Dazai, we need to go," Chuuya called.

"Ok, Chuuya! Where are we going for my treat?"

"It's a surprise, Dazai,"

"But Chuuya, I want to know,"

"Then it won't be a surprise,"

"But it's a treat, not a surprise!"

Chuuya sighed, realising there was no way to combat that logical argument. "Very well, if you must know, I'm taking you to the ADA again so you can spend the day there."

"Yey!" Dazai jumped up and down happily. "But Chuuya..."

"Yes, Dazai?" Chuuya said slightly fearfully.

"I need to get some things for some people there first!"


"I have to get sweets for Ranpo! And a cat for Fukuzawa!"

"I can understand sweets...sort of, but a cat?"

"Fukuzawa likes cats!"

"We're not buying Fukuzawa a cat, just buy the sweets and whatever else you need to and then we have to go."

"Ok, Chuuya," Dazai was a little disappointed he couldn't buy Fukuzawa a cat but, thankfully for Chuuya, he didn't seem mind too much.

Chuuya kept a hold of his arm as they made their way through a shopping centre in search of sweets. Once Dazai had bought enough they made their way to the ADA office.

Along the way, however, Dazai spotted a stray cat hovering around near the entrance to an alley.

"Chuuya! Cat!" Dazai shouted excitedly, pointing at it.

"No, you're not catching the cat,"

"Please Chuuya! I want to give it to Fukuzawa!"



"Not happening,"



A couple of minutes later, Dazai was beaming while Chuuya muttered and glared at the cat that was sitting in Dazai's arms.

"Damn cat scratched me...why isn't it scratching Dazai, that idiot..."

"Thank you, Chuuya!" Dazai said for the third time in the past few minutes.

"Whatever..." He mumbled in return, "let's just get to the Agency..."

A short while later, they arrived at the Agency. Unlike last time, their visit was expected and although Dazai was still as scared of Kunikida as ever, he managed to not have to cling to anyone as Chuuya appeared to be staying today.

"Fukuzawa informed me of the main reason for your visit today, Chuuya, he is waiting for you in his office."

"Thank you, I apologise for bringing Dazai along, however, I was forced to treat him and bringing him here was convenient."

Kunikida led Chuuya to Fukuzawa's office and then left the two of them to talk. In the main office, Dazai was busy giving Ranpo all the sweets he bought while Kenji played with the cat.

"What the-? Why is there a cat in here?!" Kunikida shouted as soon as he surveyed the already-disorganized state of the office and its members.

"Dazai squeaked and turned around fearfully,"

Dazai's Childish PredicamentWhere stories live. Discover now