➻5: Order of Change

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They are met again but in silence, but this time it was predictable. The way the alpha superior's eyes darkened and his fangs elongated and the way his hands were shaking trying to hold off the wolf from within.

Everyone knew the state they were in, and they knew that what Alpha Sungjae said made a huge impact on the Alpha King that would possibly get them all killed.

Children started crying as they watch the alpha go crazy. Mia clapped her hand over her mouth at the sight. She looked over the left where Taehyung's people are and she too saw the fear-stricken faces. She gulped as she sees the Beta of the alpha had a worried face and she knew this was serious.

Mia slowly looked over sungjae who was now in front of her trying to block her from the Alpha in front but it was not like she couldn't see in fact she could as she steps aside and feels the wrath coming.

Sungjae watched the alpha try to fight his wolf from coming. He knew what he said was too low knowing the consequences he was ready to fight. He watched and hear the alphas growls as he mutters the words 'mine' repeatedly.

Everyone held their breath as they watch the alpha lose control and transformed to his true form.

An elegant gray wolf taller than your average wolf stood before everyone in all his glory. His paws were wide and sharpened claws just as his fangs. His once brown orbs now turned to blue and slowly darkening at the sight. His fur was almost silver at the light inside the room and the seeping light of the moon. His mate could not take her eyes off the wolf form of the Alpha King, too beautiful.

Removing out of her trance Mia was trying to read the actions of her supposedly mate. She knew what she was planning would possibly hurt someone and herself but she was a value-oriented woman and she was not allowing someone to get hurt at her watch.

Sungjae growled back and the Alphas had a round of growls trying to look who is stronger. Without wasting any more time the pack's warriors shifted and tried to hold off the Taehyung and they should have known better without moving on his spot Taehyung threw them across the room while his eyes were just on his mate.

"Stay behind me," Sungjae said to Mia who was still shocked at the events. She watched the warriors slam across every piece of furniture inside the packhouse and how the alpha superior is slowly getting more dangerous as time passes by.

She held Sungjae's wrist and removed it from clasping her hand. He turned back confused. "No." That was all she said before she dashed forward before Sungjae and her dad can grab her back to her place.

Taehyung was already watching her as she stopped only a few inches away from him. The wolf stepped closer and everyone held their breaths afraid of what the alpha superior might do after all in a wolf form is likely to be more reckless, instead, the grey wolf sniffed Mia around basking in her. The elegant wolf would never hurt his delicate mate.

Mia stared at his now silver orbs and nodded.

"I'll come."

Sungjae immediately stepped forward causing Taehyung to growl loudly beside Mia and she flinched at the sound. Her hands unknowingly went to his soft fur trying to calm him and it seems to work.

Mia looked over sadly at her father who was holding an angry Sungjae back. The Beta smiled bitterly at his daughter knowing the sacrifice she had to make for the pack and she admired her daughter's bravery for that.

Taehyung looked back at his people and they seem to know what he meant as they parted ways for them. Mia stayed glued to her spot despite the gaze of Taehyung as she stares at her father who had a visible frown on his face. Her eyes moved to Sungjae who was now hold off by two more pack members she knew as his friends. Her father gave her a nod and a smile of assurance before she smiled back with tears welling up her eyes and turned away from the place she once called home.

They reached the end of their pack and the group stopped as the gray wolf does too and Mia was facing down the whole time despite feeling their stares especially her mate and as she grew further to her pack she felt the pull of the bond from them and that was pulling strings from her heart. She kept her face stoic not wanting an ounce of reaction from her she almost perfected this face, a face of authority an act all Beta mas have.

If there was one thing Mia was good at it was overthinking. Thoughts over thoughts clouded her mind as she stared at the grey wolf upfront not once did anyone come near him and she had no plans to. She was scared none the least and all she can think about is what if that happens again but this time she was just all for pleasure. Mia tried harder to block the thoughts that flooded her mind instead she talked from within.

What do you think of our mate? She asked her wolf.

I think he is cool. That was all the wolf said and she sighed unsuccessful to clear her mind.

Why? How is this possible? She asked softly not sure if the wolf within even heard her silent thought.

The moon goddess is unpredictable like our fate. This is a second chance, Mia. Grab it before it's gone. The wolf said wisely and all she can do was agree. Right. This is a second chance and if this still doesn't work then maybe she really was destined to be sungjae's Luna but even that thought didn't quite sound right as she once again stared at the grey wolf before her wondering why he doesn't want to shift back.

She watched the sunset as they passed the border of their pack. They all stopped just as their leader does. Mia swallowed a lump on her throat as he met her eyes. Those grey eyes she admired. He watched the wolf go beyond the tree line and coming back with clothes on.

The others bowed as he walked back to them and he immediately locked eyes with Mia as her hopes heightened her heart fell as Taehyung face the blonde man who was his beta. Mia sunk not knowing why it felt harder to breathe in a pack she felt like she did not belong.

After a moment of silence, she found a pair of shoes before her feet and when she looked up she saw the same blonde man and upfront was his piercing orbs and the power he emits indeed a Beta fit for the king.

"We shall take a chopper to the pack." He said coldly but Mia could only decipher how Taehyung couldn't say that himself and that hurts more than the cold weather.

Minutes sulking she heard the overlapping of the winds as an elegant gold and black chopper reached them and Taehyung, the Beta, and two guards hopped in. Mia locked eyes with Taehyung again but he faced away. Mia took a deep breath as she took a step inside and honestly, she feels freer as she stared at the beautiful mountain range before her and for a fraction, just a moment she felt like maybe this really had a chance and maybe, just maybe the moon goddess finally let her feel the love the wolf within and she needed...

just as the man who stared at her deeply right now, needed it too.

[im sorry this took so long I will try harder]

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