➻10: Rejection

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Snapping out of his trance I pushed him away breathlessly. I glared at him as a sly smirk played along his lips.

I was about to say something, when the backdoor opened and delilah walked in. Upon seeing the alpha she smiled and bowed slightly; not missing the playful smirk as she sees our position.

"You want anything taehyung?" She said softly. I wonder with the way she spoke his name that they maybe closer than I thought.

The smirk was wiped off the face of the alpha and replaced with the sweetest smile I've ever seen. I tried not to gasp at the sight of the big bad wolf now smiling fondly at delilah.

"I'm okay. Thank you." Taehyung said grabbing an apple and turning back to the hall he came in. He looked back at me with another smile before walking back to his office.

"What was that?" Delilah teased as she held a huge bowl on her hand. I helped her put it on top of the stove as I shook my head.

"Nothing. I'll get going now. Tell me if you need anything." I smiled softly as I walked back to my room.

I released a breath as the events awhile ago played across my mind, I can almost feel his lips still on my neck— no don't fall for anything that alpha is doing. He might be my mate but I'm not believing this pull anymore. I felt the pain of rejection. I'd like to say I've healed but a heart will never forget when the words of the person you dreamed since a pup rejects you.

3 years ago...

A meeting was held at the Luminaire Pack to honor their new alpha. Everyone was dressed glamorously, long gowns, and tuxedos everyone was ready for the new alpha of the pack. Neighboring packs was invited and every wolf was feeling the bless of the moon above.

I looked up the sky to see a full moon and stars glamoured beautifully. My wolf sighed in satisfaction at the sight. I held my red dress as I followed my father who was already walking ahead with Alpha Sukjae. My thought wondered to Sungjae where I knew he was studying abroad to finish his course medicine and was trained to be an alpha.

The door opened for us and inside was filled with gold and glitter. Soft music played along with a band. A buffet was set on both sides as the tables were decorated with fresh flowers. This pack was beautiful just as the stories tell. We sat down in a round table with another pack's Luna. I curtsied at the Luna and Alpha before sitting down.

Father brought me food which I ate silently. The table's topic never left anything pack related and I felt out of place. I saw teenagers my age but they too felt like they had their own world.

Everyone turned silent when someone tapped the microphone on the stage. The alpha there stood smiling. He was not that far from my fathers age, he still looks young at his age.

"Good evening to everyone. Thank you for coming here to our pack. We welcome you with the warmest of our hearts. Today as you all know is the pass over reign of my son, Lee Yoowol."

The alpha looked over everyone with a proud smile. The ladies cooed at him while the other alphas and Luna gave him respect.

"My son has been training since he was six years of age. I am proud of him, I shall not make this any longer and give the floor to our new alpha. Kim Yoowol."

My heart was running faster and faster as time pass by, but I stood just as everyone did on my spot as everyone applauded the alpha and welcomed anew.

My heart felt warm at the thought of spending the time with the one I am destined with at such age. I could only dream when I was you g. Mother use to tell me her experience when she met father and how it felt like the world didn't exist just the two beating hearts of each other. Such a young age I have become a hidden hopeless romantic myself that is why when I felt the thread pulling me in I just knew this was gonna change my life.

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