Concerts and holidays

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*Two Years Later*

Bella's pov

"Fudge! Henry... You have got to hurry up! curtains up in fifteen minutes!" I yelled, as Henry, my designer cum make up artist helped me get ready for my live performance. "Sorry Bells, just a touch up remaining," "Forget the touch ups!" I said hurriedly getting up and going to me wardrobe.

Jade was standing there helping me pick out a decent outfit. "How about this?" she asked holding up a mid-thigh length silver sparkly dress, which was open backed. "You're live in seven!" yelled Henry. I exchanged worried glances with Jade, as she helped me put on my dress without spoiling my hair and make up.

I put on my over coat and knee length black boots, as I sprinted towards the elevation stand. It's a new trend where you emerge from underneath the stage. As I reached there, I ducked and got inside. I removed my overcoat, and practiced my Do Re Me. "In 5,4,3,2,1" Yelled my assistant. "Sparrow is flying," he spoke into his headset. "Good luck,"said Jade. I smiled at her, as the stand started rising. My ears were filled with fans shouting my name.

As soon as I reached up, I held the mic firmly in my hand, and started singing my first song, as the stage lights shone above me. I reached for my fans, and sung enjoying myself while dancing. I looked at myself in the big screens they had put up.

I saw Logan standing in the VIP stands and swaying and clapping to my music, after all, he was my boyfriend, and these days, he was known as Logan Lerman, the Percy Jackson actor. Yep, he made it, we both did.

**after concert**

After the concert was over, I went inside my dressing room to change clothes. I walked outside with body guards at my side, as Jade and Logan waited for me in the limo. I autographed many t shirts and napkins while parading down the aisle as many photos were being taken.

I sat in the car, and we sped off so that chances of being stormed by paparazzi were lessened. "Sandra's on the phone for you," informed my driver.

Sandra was my manager, my not-so-kind-and-nice manager. I picked up the receiver of the phone to hear Sandra's rather husky voice. "Darling, that was an amazing show tonight," she said. "Thanks Sandra," I thanked her. "You get the next two days off before we resume our world tour," She finished and hung up.

"Hey guys!" I said. "I've got the next two days off, so how about we have fun, you know, go to the beach, water sports?cause this is Miami!"I told them. "Are you sure it's okay for two celebrities to be at a crowded place at the same time?" asked Jade. "What are these for then?" I asked holding up two pairs of sunglasses.
"Right," said Jade and Logan together.

"Cool, so we'll walk to the beach from my house. The limo could attract attention," I stated. "Cool," said Logan.

Tomorrow is gonna be awesome!

Sup! what's gonna happen tomorrow at the beach?!? Read the book Opposites Attract by Sparkyowls if you want. And also read MY other book, When I Met Romeo. If you like this one, you'l love the other one!!! :) love ya.


Love With Lyrics (Logan Lerman Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt