Chapter 2.

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Cambryn awoke the next morning and was surprised to see the woman was still by his side. Did she sit by his side all of last night? He wondered. Cambryn took this small moment of time to study her all the more closely. Upon closer scrutiny, she was by far even more bonny.

She was a very bonny lass, in fact, she was, even more, prettier then what most folks in his clan said about his cousin Elsa when she was alive. He wondered why the lass lived so far from her village. She didn't look diseased, and she certainly didn't act like a witch or a woman of ill repute, so why was she living all alone?

Hearing her moan, brought Cambryn from his thoughts. He immediately closed his eyes again and feigned sleep, and slowed down his breathing, wondering what her reaction would be if she found him no longer feverish and wide awake.

Bella yawned and stretched her arms above her head when she finished she looked down at the sleeping warrior and sighed. Wondering if his fever had broken during the night, Bella laid her hand upon his forehead and was relieved that it indeed broke, he was cold as a clam. She was about to get to her feet and begin to prepare some broth for him when she felt his hand holding tightly to her arm. Bella gazed down and was surprised to see him awake and regarding her with a look of curiosity and wonder.

"Do you speak English... Sir?"

She asked him. When she saw him nod in the affirmative, she sighed happily, she was certain that he wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of hearing her mess up the beautiful language of Gaelic.

"What is your name lass?"

He asked in a deep tone that was a little harsh sounding due to the effects of the fever.

"My name is Bella Skye. Judging by your wound... where you by chance in a battle?"

"Yes. I was indeed fighting in a battle, I was fighting Laird Tearlach McKenzie. He and his clan were trying to raid my lands and steal my sheep. I had to put an end to his reving. So I gathered my brothers and my men and we fought. I don't remember much of the battle lass except when that snake of a McKenzie injured me with his broadsword when I turned my back."

Bella gasped. And shook her head in despair.

"No man should fight that way. Stabbing a man in the back or attacking them from behind is a cowardly move, It's amazing you survived this long and even managed to stagger your way here. You are lucky that you happened to collapse by my cottage. Begging your pardon sir, but could you Please tell me your name and where exactly your clan is located, perhaps after hearing it, I may be able to help you get home!"

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