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He has a girlfriend.
He has a girlfriend.

"Nice to meet you I'm Isak." I said holding out my hand for her to shake it. I made sure to keep my fake smile on just for her.

"Sonja." She said shaking my hand.

She half fell half hugged Even pinning him against the wall. I walked away, I couldn't handle it any longer.

"Isak where are you going?" Even asked. There was a hint of concern in his voice.

"Can't I go for a piss by myself?" I said laughing at him.

"Of course not. You're to young to be left all by yourself." I stuck my middle finger up at him in response as I made my way up the staircase.

The fact that Even didn't tell me he had a girlfriend upset me. I was confused why he would he flirt with me if he has a girlfriend.

I went into the bathroom and locked the door. Finally I could breathe.

I got the stuff out of my bag. I shook the white powder in the bag to even it out, I took as much as I needed out. I went back into my bag and put my hand in the pocket until I felt something sharp.

I brought it. I couldn't remember if I had put it in my bag before I left or not. I took it and made the powder into a line and snorted it in one.

I felt much better, now I felt like I could face Romeo and Juliet.

I had spent longer upstairs than I intended to. When I made my way outside I saw that the landing was being cleared out by police officers.

I forced myself back into the bathroom and locked the door. I couldn't be caught while I was high. There was a knock at the door then a voice:

"it's the police open up the door."


I looked around desperately for an escape route and noticed an open window. It was pretty small but I knew I could fit.

I looked at the drop below. It wasn't too high, I'd live. I landed a little dodgily on my leg but nothing was broken that was for sure.

I tried to get up but I couldn't. I was a little disoriented from the jump, then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I jumped but to my relief it was Even. He held his finger to his lips signalling for me to be quiet.

Then he pointed to a way out and a bike. I understood exactly what was about to happen. We both ran to the bike he got on at the front and I got on the back. I threw the door open violently and we escaped swiftly.

A police officer shouted after us but it was too late.

"You know you can stop now right?" I reminded him, we had been riding for a couple of minutes and we were now far away from Sonja's house.

"Of course I know that. It's just I wanted to talk to you somewhere else preferably not at my house, your house or at some shitty party."

"You noticed that to?" I asked in shock.

"Noticed what?"

"That it was a shitty party."

"How could you not?"

"The others didn't seem to notice I wish I was like them."

"I agree."

"So where are you going to take me Even Bech Næshim? You've got the whole of Oslo to choose from."

"There's nowhere as special as you, so I can't think of a place to take you."

"I can tell that you've met my friends." I said laughing "they're a bad influence on you."

He started laughing. It was the purest thing I had ever heard, I wanted to make him laugh again.

We pulled into a park. I had been there a couple of times but just on bike rides with Jonas and the boys.

"This is the best you've got?"

"Well it's the only thing I can afford so yeah... I guess."

"Ohhhh bless you bechy."

"Did you seriously just call me bechy?"

"Well it's a bit one sided that you get to call me Issy so I gave you a nickname."

"I don't approve."

"How terrible." I said sarcastically.

We went and sat on a nearby bench. I slung the rucksack off my back and placed it on the ground.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked.

"Please don't hate me for this."

"For what?" I asked confused.

He grabbed my bag off the floor and ran to his bike and drove off.

"So much for friendship." I thought.

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