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We walked down the stairs confidently. Jonas was proud of himself because Even was nowhere to be seen. As soon as we got to the bottom of the stairs I pushed Jonas out of the way.

I could sense Even standing behind us.
"What are you doing?" He asked but then he saw Even towering over me.

I stood between them "if your going to hit him your going to have to hit me too."

"You know I hate ultimatums."
"I'm guessing you hate him more though."

"You know me too well valtersen."
"You don't have to do this. I get that you're frustrated but violence isn't going to fix anything."

"You probably should've told your friend that." "We've met before my names Jonas."

"Shut up Jonas." We said in unison. "

"You know your going to have to make up your mind eventually."
"We're not talking about this situation anymore are we?"

"You know how I feel."
"You know how I feel." "

"Then why would you..."
He interrupted me. "Isn't it obvious?"

"I'm drunk and I needed a replacement for you."
"And you found that replacement in the ex you recently broke up with?"

"You could've invited me you know."
"I wasn't ready for that." He trailed off.

"We could've come as friends."
"I didn't think of that."
"No you didn't because you're an idiot."

"I love you too."
"You know the only reason I kissed Emma was because of you right?"
"Yes I'm not that drunk."

"We're good then?"
"Yes we'll talk about this again when we're not drunk."

"We're? Your the only one who's drunk- drunk here?"

"I literally saw you chug seven beers." "
"You were watching me?" "

"No I installed cctv in Eskild's apartment."
"It's my apartment too you know and I honestly wouldn't be surprised."

"You know before I forget do you want to come round mine next Saturday?"
"That's Halloween are we going trick or treating?"

"Your young enough."
"Even get it through your head there is only two years between us."
"And a couple of months." "

"Shut up. You don't even know my birthday." "How do you know? I want to uphold my stalker status."
"Well your doing a great job." "

"What's going on here?" It was Emma. "Emma I want you to meet my friend Even."

"Pleasure." He said shaking her hand.
"Wait a second are you Sonja's boyfriend?" "Yes how did you know?"
"She's my cousin."

"No way it's lovely to meet you."
"Actually me and Sonja were just talking about having a pre- party on Halloween."
"That's so weird we were just talking about that."

"Sonja suggested that you host because you did such a good job tonight."
"It was all Eskild."

"Was the beer run Eskild too?"
"No but..."

"It's settled we're having it at your place." She said pulling me towards her and kissing me vigorously. "Bye." I hummed.

"You really know how to pick them." Even whispered in my ear.

"Can I leave now?" Jonas said sighing. "No were going to handcuff you to this seat."

"Can I remind you to shut the fuck up bechy?" "Well I wouldn't advise it."

"Or I'll hit you."
"You can try."
"I'll try really hard."
"How hard?"
"Very very hard."

"You know I've got the apartment to myself tonight." I said fiddling with a loose thread on my hoodie.
"Have you now? What do you want us to do?"

"Play video games." I teased.
"What about you?"
"Call of duty is my choice." "

"We could eat toast if you wanted to."
"I want to do a lot of things with you but that is not one of them." "

"Oh what sorts of things do you want to do to me?" "
"Stuff you and me do when we're high."

"So listen to nas then."
"That's exactly what I meant."

"I'm just kidding you can do whatever you want to me tonight."
"Hmmmm really anything."
"Anything." "
"You have no idea how much I want to kiss you right now." "
"Save it for later." I said walking away. "

Where are you going?"
"I'm going to go make you jealous."

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