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I took the covers off my legs and I tried to move out of the hospital bed. I moved my legs and a painful crack went through the air. Sonja looked at me with gritted teeth but I carried on, I wasn't going to give up that easily.

Eventually I rested my feet on the ground carefully and Sonja passed me my crutches. I put my arms in the holders and swung my left arm forwards to try and propel myself forward. Luckily it worked but I started off a little bit wobbly. I kind of thought I looked like bambi on the ice.

When I felt that I was stable I made my way down the corridor with Sonja's help. I still thought it was strange how we had formed this sort of friendship.

She led me towards a private room and sat outside were a couple and a young girl. I stood there awkwardly as Sonja walked away leaving me with the strangers. I presumed this was Even's family.

The woman spoke first "Are you Isak?" "Yes." I replied.
"He's asking for you."
"Me?" I said, attempting to point at myself.
"Yes. You came to see him didn't you?" "Yes."
She opened the door for me. "Thankyou." I said smiling in reply to her kind gesture.
"It was really nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you. Talk to you later?"
"Of course." I replied entering the private room.

The door closed after me and the silence was almost sickening. Even was laying on the bed with his eyes closed and his skin was deathly pale. There was an IV plugged in to his arm and he was wearing a different coloured hospital gown to mine. His was a lilac colour and mine was a beige.

I sat on the chair next to his bed and stayed quiet not wanting to disturb his sleep. But it was too late as his eyes were beginning to flicker underneath his eyelids. His eyes opened suddenly and his pupils were smaller than usual. He looked terrified; I knew he must have had a night terror or a nightmare, it was something I had experienced too many times.

"Even it's okay. It's going to be okay."

He sat up and looked at me blankly before he rested his head back on the pillow.

He was going through something I couldn't understand. I'm not bipolar... but he is. I wanted him to know that him being the way he is didn't change who he was in my mind.

"I know you don't want to talk right now but you know this doesn't change anything right? I still love you."

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