Mari the Weird Drunk meets Klaus.

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*Stefan's POV*

So Damon, Angela, Clare, Elena and I are all sitting in a booth visiting with Angela’s friends from Britain, while my dear sister Mari is dancing on the bar table to the song “Shots” with three guys and a bottle of tequila in her hand.  I shake my head.

About twenty minutes later the song “Last Friday Night” starts playing which is Mari’s theme song.  I look back up to the bar again, and “Oh my god” escapes my mouth as I see my sister still on the bar, shirtless, totally wasted, and kissing/dirty dancing with some guy who has his hands ALL over her.

“What?” Damon asks turning to see what I am seeing.  I know what’s going to happen next.

“MARTINA VALERIE SALVATORE!”  Damon roars, storming up to the bar, grabbing her shirt off the floor and growling, “Get your ass out the door before I throw you over my shoulder and carry you out myself!”

“NO!  You’re not the boss of me!”  She says, shoving the guy away from her and crossing her arms over her chest.

Now, you see, my sister is a weird drunk.  You’ve seen the stripper side of her when she’s drunk.  Now, she will also get angry, then hysterical/weepy.  We call her the bipolar drunk.  Let’s watch.

Furious, Damon grabs her by the waist, pulling her off the bar table and throwing her over his shoulder.

“Let go of me!  Who do you think you are?” Mari screams.  “I hate you so much!  I wish I wasn’t related to you!  I will end you!  NOW LET GO OF ME!”

Two minutes of angry screaming later.

“I’m so sorry!  I could never hate you!”  Mari sobs as she hugs Damon’s waist while still over his shoulder.  “I love you so much and you’re the best brother in the whole world!  Please don’t hate me!”

“Of course I don’t hate you,” he sighs and carries her back to the boarding house.

*                                                   Mari's POV                                              *

Damon may be older me than me by three minutes, but he is SO not the boss of me.  Over the next few days he bans me from the grille and every other bar in the area.  So I just hang out with Angela, Clare, and Angela’s friends from Britain.

But tonight, Damon is at Angela’s, Stefan is with Elena, and Clare wouldn’t rat me out.  So I pull up my black curls, apply my usual dark make-up, and slip on a pair of dark blue jeans, a silky deep blue blouse, my leather jacket, and a pair of knee-high, no heel black boots.

Then I make my way to the grille.  I take the open seat at the bar next to a (sexy) blond-haired guy and order a vodka tonic.

“So what’s a pretty little vampire like you doing in this small town?” the sexy guy next to me asks and I hear the British accent in his voice that makes me melt.

“Nice pick up line,” I say rolling my eyes, and then add, “I’m visiting my brothers.  What about you?  Surely a vampire of your…status has something better to do than stick around this town.”

“I have a diabolical plan,” he says teasingly.

“I’m Martina Salvatore,” I introduce myself with a laugh.  “Call me Mari.”

“Niklaus Smith.  Call me Klaus.”  He smirks.  I smother a laugh because his name reminds me of Santa Claus (don’t ask why).

“Now, are you related to the famous Salvatore brothers?” he asks as my drink arrives.

“Damon’s my twin,” I answer, downing my drink.

He nods thoughtfully and says, “Well we know who got the looks.”  I blush and he adds, “So what do I have to do to get you to come home with me,” and places a warm hand on my thigh.

“Buy me a couple drinks first, then we’ll talk,” I say, pushing his hand off my thigh.  He nods at the bartender to get me another drink, and says, “We’ll have to wait and see, then.”

His accent is just so absolutely sexy.  So, me being me, I say, “I don’t know how, but I will find a way to make love to you’re accent.  I have no idea how to do it, but I will do it, I promise.”

He bursts out laughing when he realizes that I am completely serious.  I shrug and down another drink.

A few minutes later, one of my favorite songs “Animal” comes on.  I set down my drink, move the empty glasses out of my way and climb up on to the bar.

“What are you doing?” Klaus asks in surprise.

“Having fun, come on!” I say holding out my hand for him to join me.

“I don’t know,” he says, hesitating.

“Come on and let loose!”  I beg impatiently.  He rolls his eyes, but joins me on the bar table and dances with me.  And may I just say he is a very good dancer.  Half an hour later, we are both a little tipsy.

“Is it time to have that talk yet?” Klaus asks, his hands gripping my waist as he stands behind me and places scorching kisses up and down my neck.  I mutely nod and lean into him.

He quickly pulls us out of the grille, into his car and we head to his apartment.  And the last thing I remember is him pinning me onto his bed, kissing me hungrily, and tearing at my clothes.

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