Wait, Pregnant?

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* Angela's POV *

"Come on guys, let's try to cheer up," I say as we head to your own funeral for Mari and John Gilbert. "If Mari was here, she'd be telling us to stop moping and get up off our asses." This gets a chuckle out of everyone.

When Damon walks into the room, I notice he's holding something.

"Damon…honey…I know you miss your sister…but why are you holding a pair of her boots?" I ask.

"Oh, she once told me, and I quote, 'If and when I die, I want to be buried with my suede, no heel leather boots. I'm not joking'," he says with a chuckle.

She would say that.

* Mari's POV *

When I wake up, Lexi is with me.

"Am I?" I ask, unsure.

"You're dead," she confirms.

"It's nothing like I thought it would be."

"Nothing ever is."

Slowly, I stand up, and look around me. It's like living in a normal world, only the loving can't see you.

"Martina?" an achingly familiar and soft voice asks.

I whip around and see warm blue eyes and dark curls much like my own.

"Mama?" I ask, tears coming to the rim of my eyes. She sniffles and walks toward me, holding out her arms.

I run into them, and we hold each other close. Sobs rack my body as I breathe in as much of her warm scent as I can. I barely hear Lexi say she'll see me later and she disappears.

* Still Mari's POV

"Honey, I have something to tell you," Mom says, putting her hands on my shoulders. "Okay, shoot," I say, folding my hands together.

"You're pregnant," she says letting out her breath.

My reaction: "…"

"Wow you had me going there, nice one Mom," I laugh.

"Honey, I'm serious," she says seriously. "You're three weeks pregnant."

"No, no I'm not! Vampires can't procreate," I say, panicking. "Plus, I'm dead. So ha!"

"You're part witch sweetie," she says sincerely. "The first witch/vampire hybrid recorded in history. And you're the first witch to have fallen in love with a vampire. Now one knew that together, they could procreate. You really are pregnant."

"But I can't be," I say quietly. "I'm dead."

"Not fully, not yet," she explains. The baby is keeping you alive. Your friend Bonnie just needs to do a spell and voila, you're back."

"But, there cannot be a baby in there," I say, lifting up my shirt to look at my stomach.

"Honey, there really is," Mom says pulling down my shirt.

"Well what if I want to stay here with you?" I ask quietly.

"Then your baby dies along with you," she says, pushing my curls away form my face like she used to when I was a child. "Honey, is that what you want? Because your brothers need you and so do your friends. And what about Niklaus? He loves you and he's grieving deeply because you're no longer with him."

I put a protective hand to my stomach at the mention of my baby dying.

"What do I need to do?" I ask, determinedly.

* Klaus's POV *

In my sleep, Martina invades my sleep, literally.

"Darling, I am so sorry. I never should've—"

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