Mari's Sacrifice

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* Clare's POV *

I'm lying next to Jeremy, running my hands through his hair.

"What time is it?" I ask, looking at his face.

"Mmm…around six?"

"I should get going," I say, leaning up to him and kissing his lips softly.

"Do you have to?" he asks, grabbing my waist and pulling me back down to him.

"Jer, I have to go," I tell him, giggling as he pulls me down. "As much as I want to stay here, I can't." I kiss his cheek, pull on my boots and jacket, and walk to Jeremy's open window.

* Jeremy's POV *

I watch Clare jump out my window, turn into a sleek and massive barn owl, and fly away, blending into the dimmed night. I turn away from the window after closing it, flipping the light switch off, and I collapse on my bed, going to sleep.

* Clare's POV *

Ahh, the eyes of an owl are the best, I think to myself and glance around.

"Wow," I hear. I look down to see Hermione, Draco, and Harry looking up at me.

I bank right and head to the forest so I can change into a much faster animal. The fastest thing, besides a dragon is probably a wolf, and trust me, turning into either is very hard for me to do.

As my soft owl feet land on the moist forest floor, I fold my wings to my sides and turn into a brilliantly blinding white wolf.

* Hermione's POV *

"Did you guys see that?" I ask.

"Yeah," Draco acknowledges.

"I've never seen an owl so big before," Harry states. Draco and Harry are still searching the night sky when Angela and Damon round the corner, holding hands and smiling.

"Well don't you two look unnaturally happy," Harry jokes, grinning. Angela and Damon exchange smiles, rolling their eyes in unison. Draco and I couldn't help but grin as well.

* Mari's POV *

"I'm sorry, but I can't give you anything you won't take from me," I tell Nick, placing a soft hand on his cheek.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asks bitterly.

"It means that while you're doing the ritual," I say, "you can't take anything from me because you're going your own way to do that." I kiss his cheek before I walk away.

"It's not fair of you to ask me to choose," he calls after me.

"And it's not fair of you to ask me to stay, Nick," I say, whirling around to glare at him. "Not while you plan on killing my friends.

"You see that's it right here," he says. "I'm Nick to you, not Klaus. Not the monster everyone sees."

"Then pick who you want to be," I say feeling my heart clench, "because if you don't, you might lose me forever."

Once again, I go to walk away, but he grabs my wrist, pulls me to him and kisses me. My eyes flutter shut and I melt into him.

"Nick," I murmur threading my fingers through his hair as he kisses my neck.

"You know I love you," he whispers against my skin. "Why can't that be enough?"

"It is enough," I say, leaning my forehead against his. "It's just not enough at the moment."

He gives me a brooding stare, making me sigh softly.

I kiss him one last time before pulling away from him and walking away. I grab my stuff and freeze as I see Nick onstage singing the song Somewhere only we know. I give him a sad smile and walk out of the bar.

I head toward my car but a hand clamps over my mouth and drags me in a different direction.

* Elijah's POV *

"I really am sorry about this. If I didn't need you to get to Klaus, I would never have done this. But he killed my our family and hid their bodies in the ocean, so I—are you playing Angry Birds?" I start, but stop when she pulls out her I-phone.

"Sorry, and btw, you're not a very good kidnapper. I've had a lot worse," she says with a shrug. Well damn.

* Clare's POV *

In my animal form I've been watching Mari to keep tabs on her, and I saw Elijah take her.

I can't tell anybody because they don't know about my shape-shifting, but I'm not too worried about her. She's a big girl and she can talk her way out of almost anything.

* Mari's POV *

Nick knew Elijah wouldn't hurt me because I'm just leverage. So Elijah let me go. But tonight is the ritual, and I know what I have to do.

I stay out of sight and watch the man I love kill a werewolf I don't know. That's when I notice that the vampire he is going to sacrifice is Jenna, Elena and Jeremy's aunt. The only family they have left. I can't let him do it.

"Are you sure about his?" Lexi asks me literally popping out of nowhere.

"I want to be able to say I did something about this. I don't have enough power to stop him, but I can save Jenna. I owe everyone that much," I explain softly.

She nods and disappears.

I wait and when Klaus (he's not Nick right now) goes to drive a stake through Jenna's heart, I run over, push Jenna out of the way, and take the blow myself.

The stake pierces my heart and the last thing I see before my spirit leaves my body is Klaus's horrified eyes and shocked face.

* Elena's POV *

"Jenna, run!" I shout as Martina comes out of nowhere and takes the stake for Jenna. She does and tears fall down my face for Mari. She was a good friend.

Klaus looks down at Mari's now shriveled and gray body in utter horror and it's obvious that a part of him (a huge part) died with her. He really did love her.

He murmurs something I can't make out, kisses Mari's forehead and gently lays her body on the ground. He looks up at Greta, his eyes cold and his face emotionless, and says, "Continue on with the ritual."

* Damon's POV *

Dead. My baby sister is dead. My twin sister. Dead. My mind can't register it, but my eyes aren't lying about what they are seeing.

That bastard killed my sister. And she died thinking I hated her. She died saving Jenna. At least she didn't die in vain. Elena is alive thanks to John Gilbert.

Soon, I'll be able to see my sister again. Tyler Lockwood accidentally nipped me. A werewolf bite is deadly to a vampire. We all saw what I did to Rose.

I don't know how to tell anyone. Especially Angela. But I guess this is what I get for all I've done. With a sigh, I head into my room and stop when I see an envelope on my pillow with my name on it…in my sister's handwriting. I snatch it up in my hands and begin to read.


If you're reading this note it means that I'm dead. I don't blame you for being angry with me. I always have made stupid decisions, but I guess that's what happens when you love someone.

I love Klaus the way you love Angela. With everything I have and everything I am. Unconditionally. I don't blame anyone for my death. I chose this. I knew it was going to come down to this.

Send everyone my love and don't blame yourself. Or Klaus. I know that if it was up to him, he would never hurt me. He loves me. I know he does.

I don't want you all to grieve over me. I just want you to remember me. Try to get along with Stefan. I love you guys. Don't do anything stupid. And don't shut your humanity off. Not this time Damon. I'm proud to be a part of your family


I smile at the words, and then I notice something else inside of the envelope. A picture of me, Mari, and Stefan from when we were all still human. I shake my head and imagine my sister.

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