Mari's Decision

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* Damon's POV *

"Stefan, help me get her out of here!" I yell as Mari screams, "I WILL KILL YOU AND ANYONE YOU HAVE EVER CARED ABOUT!

"Caroline, learn to keep your fucking mouth shut!" I snarl, pulling Mari away from the group with Stefan's help.

"Caroline, take care of the scene," Stefan orders, referring to the unknowing humans. She nods looking scared, and Stefan and I drag Mari out of the Grille, and back home to the boarding house.

* Stefan's POV *

"It wasn't your fault," I say stroking my sister's hair as she sobs into my chest. We managed to get Mari away from the crowd and back home to calm her down. Now she's letting her sad stage take over.

"Yes it was," she wails. "If I'd never gotten sick, she wouldn't have had to take care of me, and then she would've never gotten sick and died. It should have been me!"

"She wouldn't have wanted that, and she wouldn't blame you," I say gently.

"You don't know that," she cries.

"While we have you here," Damon says, changing the subject, "may I ask: are you seeing someone by the name of…Klaus?"

She nods, too upset to form a coherent sentence. I stiffen.

"ARE YOU AN IDIOT? HE'S THE BAD GUY! He wants to kill Elena and …" he explains everything that Klaus has done and plans to do. Meanwhile, Mari turns away from my chest and towards Damon.

"I don't believe you," she says after he's done. "He would never do that. You don't know him like I do."

"I don't want to know him like you do," he snorts. "Mari, he's a ruthless murderer, and he's only using you!"

"NO! He loves me!" she shouts.

Oh god, please don't say—

"And I love him!" she adds, softly.

Shit, this is not good.

"I forbid you to see him," Damon yells furious. "I'm the oldest, so what I say goes."

"You know, I never saw you anything like father," Mari says coolly, "but now I see I was wrong. You're just like him. A controlling, angry, idiotic, abusive bastard!"

"I will never be that man!"

"Really? Because that's who I see! I thought you were the one that understood me, but I can see that you never really did!"

They then proceed to yell at each other in Italian. And all I can do is sit and watch, because this is the biggest fight they've ever had.

Five minutes later, the others come through the door, and stop and stare at Mari and Damon.

"What are they saying?" Angela finally asks.

"Well," I say, "he just called her an impulsive bitch that only cares about herself, and she called him and arrogant, impulsive bastard."

"Well, they are both impulsive," Jeremy says with a shrug.

Ten minutes later

"YOU KNOW WHAT?" Mari screams. "I'm done talking about this! I just need to be alone!" She then storms out the door, slamming it behind her. Neither I nor Damon can slam that door. That is how pissed she is.

Damon glares after and storms off in the other direction.

They are so dramatic. I think it comes with being a vampire.

* Klaus's POV *

BANG! BANG! BANG! The sound echoes throughout the air, and I open the door to see Mari.

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