Merlin Prophecy

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* Angela's POV: Three Weeks later *

I am lounging in bed with Damon, and it's about 8 o'clock in the morning when I hear feet pounding down the hallway, the bathroom door opening and slamming close, and Mari retching.

This has been the routine for the past week. Only her morning sickness lasts ALL day. One time, she and Damon were arguing (as usual) and she puked all over him.

I then hear Klaus trying to get her to open the door and her yelling at him to go away. Klaus has been staying here almost every night since she came back. I think it's because he's afraid to let her out of his sight.

"I can't wait until her morning sickness passes," Damon groans. I smile up at him.

"That makes two of us," I say. "I probably should get dressed."

"Mmm, no!" he groans playfully. "Why can't you stay right here all day?" I giggle.

"As tempting as that may sound," I answer, "you know I can't. I have to go in for my yearly check-up."

"I don't get why you humans insist on going to the doctor's office every year."

"It's so we can make sure we're healthy and that I don't have some sort of disease or cancer or something like that."

"Do you mind if I come?"

I give Damon a questioning look.

"May I ask why?" I ask.

"I don't want to have to deal with Mari and her raging hormones." I give him a sly smile after he said that.

"I thought she was always like that." Damon grins at me, chuckling.

"I HEARD THAT, ANGELA!" I hear Mari screech.

"Love you, Mari!" I shout back. Damon rolls his eyes.

I roll off the bed and stand up. I'm about to walk towards the private bathroom, when I feel Damon grab my wrist. When I turn to him, he pulls me back down to him, kissing me passionately. I smile into the kiss, but pull back after a minute or two.

"Damon, we have to go," I insist. "We can continue this when we get back."

Damon sighs, and answers, "Alright."

* Damon's POV: Doctor's office *

"Damon, are you sure you're okay?" Angela asks for the tenth time, referring to when the nurse took her blood.

"I'm fine, Ang," I assure. "It doesn't bother me. I have better control than Stefan does."

"Well, I know that Merlin witch blood is a hundred times more powerful and luring than other blood," she explains.

"Angela," I tell her, looking her directly in the eyes, "I'm okay." She smiles, guiltily.

"I did it again, didn't I?"

I chuckle, and answer, "It's one of the things I love about you."

Suddenly, the door opens, and in comes the doctor.

"Good morning, Miss Black," the doctor greets. (Author's note: Angela is the daughter of Sirius Black.)

"Morning," Angela returns.

"Well, everything looks healthy," he tells her.

"That's good," she says, smiling at me.

"Yes, especially in your condition." Angela and I stare at the doctor in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I question. "What condition?" The doctor observes our confused expressions.

"You mean you don't know?"

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