Chapter 4: Arcade Madness

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     Arcade Madness    Chapter 3

~~CC’s P.O.V. ~~

We took forever to get to the arcade. Luckily we had plenty of people to talk to  The first thing we did when we went to the arcade was run to the dance machine ((or whatever it’s called)) we were absolute pros at it and everybody was watching us. When we were done me and Jerome went to a game for shooting stuff. The rest split off somewhere. The funny part was when I beat him twice and baccas are very hard to beat. “Ha Jay-rome in yo face!!” I said very loudly “aww you made a bacca sad.” “Yeah but I know how to make them happy!!” I said as I started to pull him to a punching game. “Yeeeaaaa you do know how to make a bacca happy!!! I WUV YOU!!” “Jerome quiet down.” I shushed him. “Ok, ok I will”

~~Zo’s P.O.V. ~~

Mitch and I headed to the punching bag game. “Hey Zo! I betcha I could beat you at this!” “Ooohh realllyy ya think so?” I said “Yup without even trying” “Well you my good sir are getting a little too cocky”. Mitch put a token in. “Lezz go!” He went first. *enter sfx’s here* He got to just past the middle. “Ohhh baby!” It was my turn now. (Worry worry worry worry worry WORRY!) I punched it. It sky rocketed and almost broke the game. “………” Mitch just stared. (I don’t like awkward silences… CC doesn’t either) “Umm I’m too strong?!?” please ignore it please ignore it “Ookk I’m going to take in the fact that my daughter is stronger than me and ignore she almost broke the game” then he walked away. I was literally mind fucked right now. I walked over to CC.

~~CC’s P.O.V. ~~

Zo walked over all derpy like and sat down. So I asked her “Zo… are you alright?” “MINDFUCKED.” Was all she could say. “Umm… OK then… what happened?” I asked quite confused because not a whole could do that to her. “Wgevrcjsgf.” She said still in derp mode and I saw her fangs. “Zo put your fangs away!” I said snapping her out of derp mode. “Oh umm sorry…” she calmed down and her fangs went away. “So what happened with you?” I said trying to ask again. “Well I was at a punching game with Mitch and… and I beat Mitch and almost broke the game…” she said I sat with my jaw surely on the floor by now. “I-I y-your amazeballz!!!” I shouted now. “No it’s not amazeballz! It’s bad what if he found out!?” “Oh umm I guess I forgot it” “Hey guys something wrong?” said crystal now standing in front of us. “No everything’s FINE” said Zo now annoyed. Ugh Zooo “umm okay then…” she said awkwardly. “hey where were you Crystal?” I said changing the subject.” Oh I was over in the lazer tag with Ryan…” “Oooooooohhhhhhhh I get why you weren’t over here now.” I said with a “wink, wink nudge, nudge” tone. “hey c’mon we all know you and Jerome like each other...” she said a little louder. Zo just slumped down with her arms crossed. “umm… hey, CC…” i heard a voice come from behind me. I turned around to see the one person I didn’t want to  see right now. “u-umm hey Jerome I umm h-have to go… Bye!” I said grabbing Zo’s hand and running off. I could hear Jerome saying my name. I could almost sense Zo disapproving of this.

~~Zo’s P.O.V. ~~

NO…just…NO. I lazily slumped along being pulled by CC. “Hey Cs’ wanna play lazer tag?” “Ehh yeah sure”

.*Time Skip*.

“ERMERGERD that was so much fun and such a blast!!” we yelled together. “oh hey guys!” I said seeing the people I came with. “hey CC how are ya doing?” I heard Jerome say from behind me. “oh great!! How ‘bout you Mister Acetie?!?” CC said sounding like a fancy person. Then we just broke out into a laugh. “WTF was dat?” I said yelling. “IDK I’M CRAZY!!!” “... I thought I was the crazy one?” I said “You are” “……..” I smiled my best crazy smile. “Run! She’s out to kill us!” CC said half laughing. Everybody ran out to the car laughing like crazy people with funny smirks on their face. “….Mission complete...” I said smiling a warm smile, and ran out to the car with it still on my face.

~~CC’s P.O.V. ~~

          “Hey CC, Zo you guys have school on Monday. So that gives us five days to SHOP!” I heard dad say “nuuuuuu!!!” Zo screamed in the car. “Umm… yay.” I said sadly “well I guess more cloths are ok” Zo said. “CC you ok?” Jerome said. “Uhh… y-yeah I’m fine.” “Oh c’mon school isn’t that bad.” “Alright let’s go shopping!!!” Zo yelled interrupting our conversation.

_-_-Time Skip of magical unicorns made of muffins-_-_


We went to the Springfield mall right next to the Starbucks…With of course… Crystal… I swear I do NOT like that girl… But I don’t really know why…”Hey Zo! Look!” I looked up to see the huge I mean HUGE mall. “Wtf can a mall even be that big?!?” I said in astonishment. “Holy FUDGEBALLS!” I could only imagine CC saying in her head…Think of all the phones! Yeah I guess she’s right. When we finally pulled up to the mall we sat in awe. Until I finally screamed “LEZZZGOOO” and ran out of the car.

~~CC’s P.O.V. ~~

Zo screamed and ran out of the car. So shortly after I ran after her yelling “STALKER ALERT!!!” “JUST PUNCH THEM LIKE I TAUGHT YOU!!!” Zo yelled after me. Ty laughed the others just looked confused. After that happened we all went shopping.

_-_-Another time skip cuz I can-_-_

“yay! We’re done!!” I yelled as we got home. “Yeah I’m also tired so ima go to sleep.” I said after stretching. “Can I come?” Zo said yawning. “umm you have your own room soo PEACE!!” I yelled and ran up the stairs.

Well sorry that was late I had a busy weekend so shiz happened.

Mini Book Ch. 3

“huh? I guess Adam has somebody over today…” I thought out loud. I climbed his to back window and jumped in. I guess nobody saw me until I really said “Hi Adam!!” “WTF ok you need to stop this like now! Ive got people over!” he said loudly. “Well I want to see who they are soo” I ran past him and went down stairs. “Whoa who are you?” I think I heard Mitch say “Oh me? I’m just Adams personal stalker. Ya know like sneek into his house and shiz like dat…” “Oh..” “HEY YOU NEED TO LEAVE LIKE NOW!” Adam yelled. “welp baiii!” I said a ran out the front door.

Welp that’s it and again sorry for being late uploading stuff…:/ welp baii mah Gamers!!!

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