Ch. 7: WAIT WHAT?!

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Chapter 7: wait what!?

~~Zo’s P.O.V. ~~

_-_-Time Skip like an hour forward-_-_

“What the hell where is she?!?!” I yelled looking for something to distract me. “that’s it im calling the police!” Adam said getting up and went out of my room looking for the phone. As for Jerome he just sat there, worry plastered on his tear-stained face, looking down. I mean the others were worried too, they just were not here with me. The reason for this is cause as soon as she wasn’t home after ten minutes I literally screamed ‘where is she?!’ cause me and her were like sisters. Back when we were at the ((orphanage… if you got that I WUV you... ok im done)) adoption center we were the odd ones out so that apparently gave people the permission to pick on us. We became best friends. We could look straight into each other’s eyes and know what we were thinking, like we were attached to each other’s hips. That’s how we know each other and care so much, ‘cause we were the ones being hurt for no reason at all, so we would go to one another for comfort. (Back to life now Zo!!!) I was sitting there fiddling with a rope, worry obviously etched into my face. I walked to Ty’s room and knocked on the door lightly. As soon as he opened the door I hugged him and started to cry. “Shhh..You’ll be fine.” He cooed and hugged me back. “Sh-she ha-hasn’t come...b-back yet…” I sobbed into his shirt. “Hey, hey don’t worry we’ll find her.” He said giving me a tight squeeze and rubbing my back. “Come on.” He said softly, bringing me into his room and sitting us both down on his bed. He kept me close and held me tight, to help me calm down. “Th-thanks…” I say wiping my tears away. “Let’s go check on Adam and see what the police said. Ok?” he says holding out a hand and standing up. I thankfully took it and we both went down the stairs.

~~CC’s P.O.V. ~~

I was in shock, the person who stood in front of me was… Crystal. “b-but why?” I say looking up at her. “Well I need your little friend, Zo was it? Or should I say Zoe?” she said I looked up at her, nobody called her Zoe since she got put in the adoption center. “Don’t call her that!” I screamed. “Sammy!? Come here!” she yells and a girl that looks about 7 or 8 comes over. I can tell she’s a hybrid by her sweater, there where lumps on the top… “Y-yes?” She asks looking up nervously. “Knock her out for me..” Crystal says and shortly after I see darkness…

~~Zo’s P.O.V. ~~

“Eff it! Im getting my knife!” “what?!” Mitch said. I ran upstairs as fast as I could with Ty Adam and Mitch running after me. Opened my bedroom door and the first thing I saw was the note on my nightstand I reached for it but before I could read itn there was a loud (and cracked) voice piercing my ears “ZO!” “Dude calm down! I found something!” Adam (The person who just popped my ear drums) walked over and looked at what I found.

Dear Zoe,

You know your friend CC? yea… she’s with me! If you ever want to see her again... Meet me in HELL.


“Wait WHAT?!” Adam yells “What does that mean!?” Mitch said. “Damn that witch!!” I yell and pound my fist into the nightstand. I rush to my dresser and pull out my knife “lets kill a bitch” I say with an inhuman growl. “the hell was that?!” Adam says loudly and I grin sheepishly “uhm..n-nothing.” I  say and grip my knife tightly (kitchen knife) “well lets go! I say heading for the door with my knife in hand...


OOOOOOOMAHGAWD that took 4 ever and srry busy life...lawl no im on instagram24/7!!! i get side tracted by RPing with ppl :3 and i want to ask you guys a couple things...

1. should i write shorter things so they come out faster or longer and whenever?

2.AAANNNNNDDDD should i write majestical merome crap and Skylox annd shiz from my RPs? and no mini book today srry :3 ;-; baiiiiiii ppls love yall!!!!!

~CC and ZO

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2014 ⏰

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