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Ivar was watching his brother Ubbe kissing Margrethe. He was no longer interested in her, yet he felt jealous. It wasn't because it was Margrethe, it was because he felt lonely. So many people were surrounding him but he was one of the loneliest people in Kattegat. Because he was proud he would never show it to anyone except Floki. Floki understood him in a way no one could. Ivar loved him with all his heart and after his father's death he was even closer to him.

Ivar crawled into the woods where no one could bother him. He didn't know where he was going exactly but he didn't care. The anger kept him moving deeper and deeper into the forest. He was so angry all the time and the only thing worse than that were his impulses. It was his impulse that made him kill that little boy when he was around six years old. He never forgot it. He was a broken man and didn't know what could fix him. Of course, if there was something left to fix.

He didn't realize but he was deep in the forest just starring at the trees around him. "Father," he began, "i wish you were here." His voice cracked because until that moment he didn't know how much he missed him. Ragnar was the true Viking, well known for his achievements. Ivar admired him with all his heart but at the same time he wanted to be even more famous than his father. His desire was his own glory. He was proud to be Ragnar's son but that wasn't the only thing he wanted to be known for.

While thinking of his father, he noticed in the corner of his eye slight movement in the bushes. His curiosity led him to the spot. Slowly and as quietly as possibly he could, he crawled closer. He stopped right in front of a massive tree. Again, another slight movement. Ivar immediately reached for his axe. Prepared for anything, he crawled around the tree to see what the source of the movements was.

He almost stopped breathing when he saw it was a girl. He couldn't see her face, only her back. She was too focused on whatever she was doing to notice him. Ivar wanted to see her up close but when he made another move, a little stick under his hand broke. It was barely a sound but it was enough for her to swiftly turn around. Ivar was immediately holding his axe under her throat.

The first thing he saw were her almost black eyes. When his eyes travelled all over her body he noticed something else. She was bleeding a lot from her wound on her thigh. The girl was breathing out loud. She was terrified. 
"Who are you?" he asked her but there was no answer following up. Ivar's eyes again looked at her wound. That's when she quickly grabbed his wrist with one hand and with the other one she whisked the axe out of his hand. Now she was holding his axe and pointing it at him.

"Bad move," he murmured between his teeth. Ivar was ready to kill her. He was slowly reaching out for his knife which was behind his belt. The girl made an unexpected move. She stretched out her hand and threw away his axe as far as she could. She passed out right after.

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