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So here we have the Serpentine and what they do, and how they affected the ninja. So onward with the story!!!! And to tell you the honest truth, I literally got this all off Google, so THANK YOU PEOPLE WHOEVER WROTE THIS, AND THANKS FOR LETTING ME USE IT!!!!!!!

Anacondrai- Unanimously considered to be the strongest Serpentine tribe and even the greatest warriors in all of Ninjago, the Anacondrai were famed for their enormous strength, prowess in the battlefield, tactical skills, and ruthlessness. As a result, they took command of the Serpentine tribes during the Serpentine War, and even after the tribes were split apart were nevertheless dreaded by their brethren.

Constrictai- The Constrictai are physically the strongest Serpentine tribe. They possess a powerful grip, which they use to strangle their foes. They are also the best burrowers of any Serpentine, enabling them to perform surprise attacks.

Fangpyre- The Fangpyre have the power to turn people, vehicles, and other objects into snakes. When the Fangpyre bite people, they slowly transform into snakes. Simple organisms (such as flies) and vehicles inherit snake-like abilities and appearances immediately. A Fangpyre injected with Fangpyre venom (usually by accidentally biting itself or by being bitten by a fellow Fangpyre) will sprout a second head. It is unknown what would happen if a two-headed Fangpyre was bitten again, or if a Fangpyre bit a Serpentine of a different tribe.

Hypnobrai- The Hypnobrai have the power of hypnotism. They rattle their tails and stare at the victim, and if the victim happens to look their way, they are placed under their control. This is usually a direct enslavement. In this state, the Hypnobrai can see through their victim's eyes, and enforce their hypnotic control at any time.

Venomari- The Venomari have the power to spit hallucination-inducing venom into their opponent's eyes, which can make their victim see their worst fears. (Like how Kai hated gingerbreads and elves XD)

How do you cure the snakes power?

Anacondrai- Nothing, you just have to be a really good fighter.

Constrictai- The anti-venom in the staff.

Fangpyre- The anti-venom in the staff.

Hypnobrai- The anti-venom in the staff.

Venomari- The anti-venom in the staff.

Snake tombs.

Anacondrai- Their tomb is located in the Sea of Sand, inside a giant fang-shaped stone structure.

Constrictai- The Constrictai tomb is located at the top of the Mountain of a Million Steps. Tribal Serpentine drawings cover the walls, with some depicting the legends and history of the Serpentine (including the prophecy of the Great Devourer).

Fangpyre- The Fangpyre's graveyard tomb is the biggest Serpentine tomb of all - ironic, as the Fangpyre are implied to be the smallest Serpentine tribe prior to their imprisonment.

Hypnobrai- The Hypnobrai Tomb is located in the Frozen Wasteland, and the inside of the tomb is entirely made of ice.

Venomari- The Venomari's tomb is located in the Toxic Bogs. The entrance is inside a giant hollow tree surrounded by vines.

Each of the four original Ninja were affected by a different tribe that corresponds to them.

Cole was hypnotised by the Hypnobrai in "Rise of the Snakes."

Jay accidentally pricked himself with the Fangpyre's fang in "Once Bitten, Twice Shy."

Kai was intoxicated by the Venomari's venom in "Can of Worms."

Zane was almost choked to death twice by the Constrictai in "Can of Worms."

Now main question, who made all the snakes come out if they were trapped in their tomb??? Well little naughty Lloyd. He wanted revenge on the ninja, and oh boy did he get it. Turns out he had to fight them as well. So now children, don't be like Lloyd, don't pull out things if you don't know how to fix them. And don't ever trust a snake, exspecilly if it's Pythor. P. Chumsworth.

Well that's all for now. Please if you have anymore ideas please tell me, and all thanks to Your-Local-Kay for this awesome idea. So give a big shout out to her!!! Or him!!!!

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