Lego Ninjago Movie Quotes

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I know I know, I said I wouldn't do the ninjago movie. But I had to because I live it so much. So here are some quotes from the movie. And the trailer. Enjoy!!

[as Garmadon attacks]
Garmadon: What's my name?!
[spitting out his food]
Citizen Man: Garmadon!
[feeding her baby in her arms]
Citizen Mom: Garmadon!
[spits out the milk]
Baby Citizen: Garmadon!

[a wedding couple are running away as Garmadon is attacking Ninjago, the groom's foot gets stuck]
Bride: Run!
Groom: I'm stuck.
Bride: I know you want me to save myself, so I'll go now. I promise I'll never forget you!
Groom: I didn't ask you to promise that! Come back!

Lloyd: Hey, mom. Um, could we talk about dad? So when you guys got together, was dad always an evil warlord?
Koko: Okay. Well, here it is. I got swept up. He had so many plans, he was so ambitious. He said he wanted to conquer the world. I thought it was a figure of speech. But if I had never met Garmadon, I would have never had you.
[Lloyd sighs]

[walks awkwardly onto the school bus as everyone stares at him.]
Lloyd: Hey.
[ Lloyd sits all alone as all the kids sitting on the other side of the bus]
School Kid: His dad ruins everything.

Sensei Wu: A true ninja knows when to fight and when to blend in the shadow.
[ the Ninjago team unsuccessfully hiding behind trees]
Sensei Wu: Unbelievable.

Garmadon: You can't catch me Green Ninja.
Lloyd: Watch this!
[referring to Lloyd shoots down his army]
Garmadon: Where did that come from?
[he takes off his helmet]
Lloyd: Hello, dad.
Garmadon: L-Loyd?
Lloyd: That's right! And it's Lloyd, dad!

Garmadon: You ready for me to concur Ninjago!
Lloyd: Oh, I'll be waiting... Dad.
Garmadon: Sorry? What was that last thing you said?
Lloyd: What?
Garmadon: That last part, I didn't catch it.
Lloyd: Why, I, I didn't say anything. What do you mean? I didn't... I said, "I'll be waiting," and I stopped talking.
[he takes off his helmet]
Lloyd: Dad.
Garmadon: L-Loyd?
Lloyd: That's right, your son! And it's Lloyd.
Garmadon: No, L-L-O-Y-D. I named you.
Lloyd: No, you ruined my life.
Garmadon: Pfft, that's not true. I haven't even been a part of your life, how could I ruin it? I wasn't even there.

Sensei Wu: I've taken a solemn oath to form the secret ninja force. Are you ready to risk your life for Ninjago?
Lloyd: Yes, I'm on it.
Nya: Yes!
[the others all mumble or say yes]
Jay: Maybe.

Nya: It's okay, Lloyd. Nobody's parents are perfect.
Jay: I mean my mom is weird and collects seashells. Your dad levels cities and attacks innocent people. So, they've all got their quirks, you know?

Nya: It's okay, Lloyd. Nobody's parents are perfect.
Lloyd: Yeah, but I feel like there's more to Garmadon that I need to know.

[whilst asleep Lloyd gets a call on his phone from Garmadon]
Lloyd: Hello?
Garmadon: Who is this?
Lloyd: Lloyd Garmadon, your son.
Garmadon: Hm, I must have butt dialed you.

Sensei Wu: To understand your future you must go back to your ninja roots. Your dad was a ninja too.

Garmadon: L-Loyd, you hear that? We've awakened the unstoppable beast!
[ a cat appear and meows]

Garmadon: I haven't felt this good in a long time.
[Lloyd falls, then we see Garmadon trying to help Lloyd]
Garmadon: L-Loyd, are you okay?
Lloyd: Yeah, yeah! I think it's my arm. Is it bad? Is it bad? I don't want to look.
[there is a hole where his arm used to be; Gamadon cringes in horror]
Garmadon: Woh!
Lloyd: On a scale of one to ten, how bad is it?
Garmadon: Oh, I'd say it's about a seven-point-arm-ripped-off!

Garmadon: Ok on the count of 12..
Lloyd: No no I don't wanna do 12, I don't wanna do. Le--lets do uh like 3
Garmadon: Ok, uh three. 1.....2......thr--- UGH I wish your mom was here to do this.

Lloyd: "Have you been to high school? It is judgy, real judgy."

Garmadon: "What is my name?"
People: "Garmadon!"
Garmadon: "I can't hear you."

Teacher: "It's Garmadon!"
Class: "Thanks, Lloyd!" (disappointment)

Kid: "Thank you, Green Ninja. I want to be you when I grow up.

Garmadon: "He couldn't talk, couldn't walk. I was like, 'what am I going to do with this kid."

Garmadon: "Who taught you how to throw?"
Lloyd: "Nobody!"

Garmadon: "You have a lot of issues, Green Ninja."

Garmadon: "Is that green ninja still staring at me?"
Someone: "Yes."
Garmadon: "Ew what a weirdo."

Garmadon: "Do you want to be a follower or a leader?"
Number 1: "A leader?"

Garmadon: "Garmadonny Likey."

Jay: "My mom is weird and collects sea shells. Your dad is evil and destroys cities."

Master Wu: "There is nothing ninja about you ninjas."

Master Wu: "Lloyd, your elemental power is green."

Master Wu: "The strongest weapon is inside of you!"

Master Wu: "Lloyd, I am his brother but I will not always be here to train you."
Lloyd: "Why?"
Master Wu: "Because I am super super....old.
Lloyd: Oh..

Garmadon: "The omelet omelet weapon. Sounds delicious."
Person: "He is talking about a ultimate ultimate weapon sir."
Garmadon: "That's what I said, the ultimate omelet weapon. Sounds deliciously evil."

Cole: "When you talk I don't want to listen, but when he talks I want to listen."

Garmadon: "You got to get yourself a volcano, kid."

Lloyd: "It's only going to hurt for a second, right?
Garmadon: "This is going to be agony! For a while! Where did you get that idea?"

Garmadon: "I really stepped up here. Like in a dad way."

Lloyd: "Mom was a ninja?"
Garmadon: "She was fighting for good."

Lloyd: "If you guys were so perfect, why did you leave us?"
Garmadon: "It's complicated."
Garmadon: "The life of a conquering warlord was not the life she wanted for you."
Garmadon: "I could have changed, but I didn't."

Lloyd: "Green is the color of of life and it flows through all living things the way I connect ninjas, the way I connect my family whether we are together or not."

Lloyd: "Ya ya? What's my power??"
Wu: "Your power is the element of Green.
Lloyd: "Green? Wait say that again?"
Wu: "Green."
Lloyd: "So let me go back. Earth, fire, ice, water lightning, and green? Rolls right off the tongue. Oo how about wind?"
Wu: "No."
Lloyd: "Ok.. Gold! Golds not taken."
Wu: "No"
Lloyd: "Ok how about the ninja of surprise?!"
Wu: "No, that is the future ninja."
Future Ninja: "Surprise!!"

Ok that's all. And I give credits to the owners of WHOEVER wrote these. Yes I got them off the internet. Anywho have an awesome day/night (it's 10:24 as I write this) I'll see ya all later!!!

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