More funny sayings

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So ya, I enjoyed doing the funny sayings one so I thought, why not make another one? Once again COMMENT and guess who said what. So here it is, enjoy.  (There is a clip from the Lego Ninjago Movie.)

First it was four arms, then you were a dragon. Would you mind picking a body and sticking with it, please?

Now that they have left, perhaps Jay can teach us the art of kissing pillows.

Look! A magic flying rope! We can climb to safety!


My feet! I can't feel my feet!

There were so many... and they wouldn't stop.

My gears locked up several times. I don't even knew my gears could lock up.

I don't even have enough energy to play video games.

Ooooo I got happy feet!!

Aw, but I can't be a kid again! I hated being a kid! You can't drive, nobody listens to you... *gasps* Oh no... BEDTIMES!

Why must everything have so many weapons?




And this one tells you who said what, but I find it funny.

Kai: This can end one of two ways, either you hand the masks over peacefully...
Jay: I don't know the rest of the choices, I like that one.
The Quiet One: Or what?
Kai: Or we'll have to get all ninja on you.
The Quiet One: What does that even mean?
Kai: I don't know. I was improvising, usually Lloyd does the talking... where's Lloyd?!

So guys that's all for now, COMMENT who you think said what. And comment again to say if I should do another one like this. And please give me ideas!!!

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